I Really Want To Help You But...

Ray couldn't believe it. Three, Four, and Five were still alive and with the Agency all of these years later. And they had gone up to at least eight using the numbering system. Questions that had been at the back of his mind for decades burst out of him in a rush.

"How many are you guys up to now? What happened to Two; is she still with you? How has Three been doing? I used to train with him all the time!"

"Two is supposedly dead but now that I know you're still alive I can't be positive she didn't run away either," Six confessed. "Eighteen joined us two years ago. And I don't know what to tell you about Three other than the fact that he isn't as strong as me."

Ray blinked in surprise. Not as strong as him? He had never been able to beat Ray but he always thought that was because of their age and size gap at the time. He had been a talented fighter but he wasn't as strong as this kid nearly a decade younger?