My Boyfriend, Alex

"What were you thinking?!" Isabella demanded once the older men had left the room. She was pacing back and forth so her Jimmy Choos clicked angrily on the hardwood floor.

Leo sighed and ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair, messing it up. He hated this nervous habit of his because he had to fix it frequently throughout the day. "I was thinking it might get them to give up their delusions of grandeur but it seems I only made it worse. There is still a chance she will say no."

His sister snorted. "As if. Like anyone would turn down the chance to become rich instantly. She'll be in our hair by the end of the week."

"And out of it not long after," their mother said with a wicked grin. "She'll be on our turf; we will have the advantage. I predict she won't be able to handle our lifestyle and will go running home."