Who Wants To Know?

Claire blinked in disbelief at what she was hearing. What happened to him wasn't important?! They had tortured him! Stripped him of his identity for a while! How could he  possibly think it was that not important?

"You're wrong," she said fiercely. "I worried about what was happening to you the entire time you were gone. I still don't know exactly what happened and I'm not sure I want to but they hurt you, Alex. You can't say that your pain isn't important."

Alex tilted his head at her in confusion. "Why?"

"Because your feelings matter! Whether you can define them or not, what you experience is valid and shouldn't be brushed aside so casually."

"I don't understand."

Claire sighed. "Of course you don't. It's okay; you will someday. Let's go home. Actually, let's go grocery shopping first because I'm running low on everything but canned vegetables."

"Can I get Oreos?"