This Had Been Way Too Easy!

Alex raised an eyebrow. "How could we possibly avoid both of those things?"

"There's this setting called 'do not disturb' on the type of phone we have," Claire explained. "You can set it so only certain contacts can call you during a specific set of hours. All we would have to do was set it so I'm the only one who can get through and make a contact-specific ringtone a voice recording of me saying the reverse code words. 

"We can set a specific time that I would call you if you aren't back or haven't texted me an update in a while. The words would activate and as long as your phone was on you, you would be back to normal. What do you think?"

"I think it's completely insane but it might actually work. I could sneak into the air ducts alone and you would still have a way to get through to me from the outside," Alex mused, warming up to the idea.