Are You Going To Be Our Family Now?

Claire laughed and reached up to pat Alex on the head. "Hang in there. I guess too much freedom when you're used to structure can be overwhelming. Don't worry, we'll figure things out together. I've got your back as long as you need it.

"Oh! I know what we could do. After we clean this place up we can put up the Christmas decorations! It's after Thanksgiving now so it's socially acceptable to do so but there are still a lot of people who do it at the beginning of November. 

"Christmas season is more fun than the day itself in my opinion. There are so many things we need to do in order to celebrate properly because it's your first one! I've been so lame the past several years because I didn't have anyone to do things with but this year I'm going to go all out! You know, provided I get a job and can afford it."

Claire's enthusiasm was contagious. Alex couldn't help but smile.