What Did He Tell You?

Five's curiosity got the better of her. She wanted answers and Six seemed the most likely person to be able to provide them. And provide them he did using a device from the outside that she had only seen before from a distance. 

The things he had to say confused her and made her head hurt yet part of her wanted to know more. She was at war with herself over the desire to know everything and the instinct to adhere to her training. 

His words were swaying her. Five couldn't allow that to happen or she would be punished. Although if she left with him like he was proposing there was no way they would be able to punish her…

She had thought something was wrong with the Agency's way of doing things ever since that mission but hadn't dared to say anything. Leaving and being able to get as many answers as she wanted did sound nice but she wasn't stupid enough to think she knew enough about the outside to survive out there.