I Do Not Want To Confront Six

They returned to the hotel to continue their cooking instruction but Five wasn't sure what to think of her new identity documents. What was she supposed to do with them now? That was what she needed either One or Claire Conway for. 

She really did need to get a hold of Six. Had enough time passed? It hadn't been very long but she was getting restless being holed up in this hotel room unable to do much about her plans to build a life on the outside. 

"Five, when are we going to have dinner? Watching this is making me hungry," Nine said matter-of-factly after a few episodes. 

"We can go as soon as the episode is over. But you shouldn't be calling me Five anymore. We have new identities and need to get used to them. I am Carmen now."

"I don't want to be called Alexander," Four spoke up. "I may have to use it in public but it does not feel right."