I Like It Here

Alex was at a loss. He hadn't wanted warmth or love at Ethan's age but it was obvious that was what he was seeking. He had heard the older Number's story about Claire and wanted the same thing for himself. 

There wasn't anything he could do right now. He didn't have Marilyn's number and he knew Ray was at work. He wasn't about to kick the kid out into the snow either when he still hadn't warmed up completely. 

He wasn't sure how far away Ethan's foster home was exactly but it had to have been at least fifteen miles based on how red his face had been when he showed up. Sending him back outside right now would be unkind. Claire wouldn't like it. 

"You can stay here until Claire gets home from work," Alex said reluctantly. "But I was in the middle of something so you have to let me finish it."