Tactical Advantages

Would Alex ever get used to having a fear response in situations like this? Ray certainly hadn't seemed fazed at all when he had a gun pointed at him during the staged narcotics robbery. He didn't look worried at all until the Numbers shot Rachel. 

Claire knew Alex was only saying this to make her feel better about being so afraid all the time. She wondered if she would ever stop falling apart when things like this happened. It had only been a few months since they started…with enough time, she might get used to it. 

But that was a horrible thing to get used to. She didn't want to get used to that. She wanted to have a normal life!

"I hope you don't because it's terrible. You're still cautious without letting the fear take over. I want to be like that too," she sighed before wiping her eyes again. The tears wouldn't stop and they made her feel like even more of an idiot. 

"I'm used to this though. It's only been a few months for you," he pointed out.