I Think You Guys Will Do Great

As the furniture store workers continued setting things up in the rest of the house, Claire continued telling/showing them as much as she could possibly think of about cleaning, cooking, using the washing machine and dryer, and so on. She really hoped she wasn't missing anything. 

They hung on her every word to the point that it was a bit uncomfortable. She had never been looked at so intensely before meeting Alex and now it happened all the time. 

They stopped her to ask questions frequently too. If this is what teachers felt like all the time, she had no idea how anyone ever chose that as a career. This was so awkward she could hardly stand it!

Claire made a list of basic household tasks for them and told them how often things should probably be done in order to keep this place clean enough to be habitable. She gave them advice to look up cleaning tutorial videos if they got stuck as well.