Poor Kid

"I don't care if I have no obligation to help him. I'm going to do it anyway," Claire said defiantly. "Are you going to help me or am I going to have to kidnap him from the state?"

Marilyn sighed. "I'll help you. He can stay with you for now because of the kinship claim but you do have a lot of paperwork in your future. And I know you don't have a bed available for him so you better set that up as soon as possible. 

"He needs to have his own bedroom set up before the home study. I'll email you a list of all the things you'll need to do. For now I'll talk to his foster parents and go pack up his things to bring to you."

"Thank you," Claire replied softly before hanging up the phone. 

She ran a hand through her hair in exasperation. She had made her choice and she needed to stick to it but how was she going to explain this to Alex? He would be home soon.