Happy To Help

Claire ended up making it through her math practice test through sheer force of will after taking a break to read comics and drink hot chocolate. She got some other necessary studying done as well before heading to campus earlier than usual to take one of her midterms in the testing center. She knew that the hour she had between classes later wouldn't be enough time. 

She was fairly certain she passed and flopped down in her usual seat in the back row of Anatomy/Physiology like usual. Wyatt was already sitting there and shot her a sympathetic look. 

"Let me guess…you just came from the testing center."

"Is it so obvious?"

"A little. I have been here a while, after all. I've seen it all before. How many midterms do you have left?"

Claire sighed. "That was only my first. I have three left plus the in-class lab test for this class. I think I'm going to have to come to campus on Saturday to have time to fit them all in. What about you?"