The Right Thing To Say

"Oh? So you won't think I'm stupid for not knowing anything about basic human biology? Because the doctor I talked to made me feel stupider than I ever have in my entire life! How was I supposed to know anything about where babies came from?" Carmen demanded furiously, her hands balling into fists.

"Nobody ever told me! How was I supposed to wonder about that on my own when I had such little exposure to babies period? I never interacted with the kids in the nursery once I was older! But no, I'm so stupid that I trusted everything the Agency told me and didn't remember all the questions I ever asked that were wiped out of me once I got out.

"I got wiped every time I asked what they were putting in my arm and why. It happened every few years but I couldn't connect the dots when I didn't even know what the dots were. I didn't even know about menstruation because whatever they did stopped it while I was there.