It Isn't A Waste

Claire ended up texting Steve in between her first and second classes since she wasn't able to find that office number considering how long ago it was that Ray gave it to her. 'Do you potentially have room in your schedule to take on another client?'

He got back to her about ten minutes later when she had returned to her homework. 'Is this about that Number? Because Alex already asked'

That was surprising. Had Cody reached out to him personally? It seemed that Karli wasn't the only one that wanted him to change. That was a good sign. He wouldn't make any progress unless he wanted it himself.

'Yeah. I guess I didn't need to ask after all. While I have you, how are the kids doing?' Claire asked.

'They're a bit bored since school is out but since Jonah and Jack are coming to visit next week that ought to keep them occupied for a while' Steve replied.