Wedding Dress Shopping

What was Cody supposed to do if Karli did decide that her desire to have a normal family life was stronger than her desire to be with him? Would he ever be able to recover from that or would he become even emptier than he had been as a Number? 

Never knowing what something was like wouldn't be the same as having it and losing it. There was no going back to the way things were before. 

He almost wished he hadn't figured out what love meant because losing it now would likely destroy him beyond the point of ever returning emotionally. He had discussed his worry with Steve before and had been told that it was better to love and lose than never love at all. He wasn't so sure he believed that. 

Cody knew he was more than a Number now. There were things he was good at aside from being a human weapon such as programming, math, and remembering every piece of movie/TV trivia he ever came across. But he still wasn't great with emotional stuff.