Your Big Day

Claire was exhausted from the events of the day by the time she finally fell asleep curled up in her fiancé's arms. Exhausted yet happy even though she still missed her mom. She had a new family now and they wouldn't be able to replace her but they did make her happier than she thought was possible.

The next morning Heather came to pick her up and help her get ready so she gave Alex a quick kiss on the way out the door with her dress bag and shoes, telling him not to forget to put her suitcase in the car. They would be taking a road trip for their honeymoon down the east coast trying to hit as many states as possible in the week they were gone. She was set to start her new job at a medical imaging center the week after they got back.

"Are you nervous about your big day?" the older woman asked once they were on their way to the venue to take advantage of the bride's room there.