
Alex was upset when he heard about Daisy but he was more worried about Claire. She cried weeks after it happened with no sign of stopping. Ray said it was probably exacerbated by the pregnancy hormones but that didn't make him feel any better. There had to be some way to cheer her up!

The idea came to him while he was out grocery shopping when she was at work. What if he got her a kitten? One that no one else wanted, kind of like Daisy had been. Kittens tended to live longer than cats that were adopted as older adults so she probably wouldn't have to deal with another loss any time soon that way.

Once the groceries were put away he headed back out to the nearest shelter and asked, "Do you have any defective kittens that are on the euthanasia list?"

The woman behind the counter looked at him funny. "What do you want a defective kitten for?"