What Did He Do?!

Sarah didn't mean to break down like this. Things had been piling up until she didn't know what else to do but cry even though she had been trained since she was a baby not to do it.

Michael didn't give her a hard time about it though. He was obviously startled but continued comforting her as if she hadn't completely embarrassed herself. "It's okay, Sarah. I've got you. You're going to be fine."

She didn't believe that. How could she be fine when nothing was working out the way she wanted it to? She knew he loved her but he refused to do anything about it and that bothered her more than she could say.

They had lived on the outside for years. Everyone else that got out with them was married already but he never so much as brought it up. Did he not want to be with her forever after all? Even after everything he said about always wanting to have her to come back to?