Don't Touch My Sister

Ethan's heart dropped. That had to be Three. He couldn't think of anyone else matching that description that would potentially out to get former Numbers. If the kidnapper was to be believed, this wasn't about revenge…he said he wanted hostages to be bargaining chips. But for what exactly?

"Is that really all you know?" he asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it is, I promise! Please let me go!" the kidnapper begged.

He was still debating what to do when Karli suddenly shrieked behind him. Whipping his head around, he saw that two more people had come out of nowhere and had a toddler under each arm. All four of them were in danger now and she was desperately trying to chase after one of them but he was too fast.

Ethan cursed. He executed a swift move that knocked the idiot he was holding out. He hadn't mentioned that he wasn't working alone.