Better Safe Than Sorry

Cody turned to leave but a tiny voice and a tug on his pantleg stopped him. "Daddy, don't go!"

Blake was the one holding onto him but Alina had spoken. They both looked up at him with anxious blue eyes and he knelt down next to them and mussed their hair with a small smile on his face.

"Daddy has to, babies. I'll be back soon. Take care of Mommy for me, okay? I love you."

"We love you too, Daddy!" they cried. Blake reluctantly let him go and headed back over to his mother, holding onto her pantleg now instead.

Cody turned around and sprinted away, leaving Ethan to deal with a bunch of teary Osbornes. He had entrusted his family to him and Ethan had no intention of letting him down. Cody was going to help get Claire back so it was the least he could do.

"Did you drive or walk here?" he asked.