Free Will Would Always Find A Way

"Restart the Numbers program?" Michael asked in disbelief. "Three, are you nuts? We're  not doing that."

"Yes you will," Three said confidently, unbothered by their lack of cooperation. 

Claire didn't like the sound of that. Why was he so confident? It was almost like he knew how to make them comply. But the only way she could think of to make that happen would be using the old activation words. How would he have even learned them? 

Alex didn't know what they were when he got out. None of the other Numbers seemed to either. What else could it be that would make him sound so certain though? 

"No, we won't! We're happy with our lives now, Three. We have absolutely no reason to go back to that life. I don't know what you've been doing all this time but leave us out of it. You do your thing and we'll do ours," Michael replied as he strained against his restraints. "Let us out."