Chapter 1 - Reborn?!


Where am I?

What is this place? I can only see white. It's full of white nothing else but white.

I remember myself being betrayed by my family. My own brother betrayed me for selfish gains.

Shit. I have to kill that bastard. How can he betray me when I am the who helped him in his darkest time!?

He took everything that I worked hard for. The company that I raised to be one of the world's greatest company. I trusted him because we are blood related and mostly because he is my own sibling. For money he can do this.

I still remember him giving me a smile before killing me. That shit needs to be killed.

No! Not only killed but tortured. I will get back everything that was rightfully mine.

Just you wait I'll kill you!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed hysterically for my own thoughts of revenge.

First let's try to move. It's hard I can't feel my legs and arms. It's bright and I can't see a thing.

After awhile I can feel my fingers but why do I feel like my fingers got smaller. Weird but at least I can move now.

Now let's start with the legs.


My toes got smaller there too. It's really weird.

Let's get used with my arms and legs for now.

After awhile of doing this I realized that I touched something. I tried to kick it with my legs and I heard a cracking sound as if something is being broken.

I think this is the thing that is obstructing my sight. Let's try to kick it more.

As I kick it I hear the cracking sound more instensly. After awhile of kicking it more I feel my legs breaking through.

After an hour of breaking it I can see already my surrounding. I see that the thing that was obstructing me was a egg. So I came from an egg ah, what am I a chicken?

The first thing I do is look at myself. I looked at my hands.


Why do I have cat arms. What is this!? Why do I have this for hands!?

And as I look at my feet it was also the same. Well I expected it at least.

Ok for now I need to calm down. I need to think rationally. Let's look at our surroundings first. I see myself in the middle of something like a cave.

After a while I realized their is something blinking at the right most corner of my eye. I try moving at it but then I realized it is not in my surrounding. Everywhere I look it is still there.

I then focused at it. I realized it has the words 'MENU'.

THE HELL is this. I try clicking at it well the stupid me hit my own eyes.


Stupid human. Wait I'm a cat now so I guess it's stupid cat now.

Going back to the menu I try to think of opening it. And it worked!

Name: None

Race: Cat Monster

Level: 1

Experience (EXP): 0/10


Health points (HP): 50/50

Mana points (MP): 50/50

Strength (STR): 5

Vitality (VIT): 5

Dexterity (DEX): 5

Intelligence (INT): 5

Wisdom (WIS): 5


• Slash

• Appraisal

• Shadow

Remarks: Weaker than a human child. Can be killed at any time.

My God, I'm weak.

I am gonna die here!