Chapter 7 - Killing 3 birds with 1 stone

As I continue walking towards the nest of the centipedes, I make sure that I walk slowly and unnoticeable because I don't want to attract many centipedes.

After a while, I have arrived at there nest. I observed how many centipedes are there. I can't really count it because some of them are overlapping each other but I guess there are 50 or so centipedes.

I can also see that in the middle of the nest, their is a bigger centipede than the others. It was like 5 meters or so. It's huge for my size. I can't possibly defeat that. I used my Appraisal skill at that monster and I got this:

Name: None

Race: Mukade monster

Level: 10

Holy shit! It is 7 levels higher than me. By looking at it, it can also say to my face that it is equivalent to death. For now, this monster will be my goal to kill. Just you wait you big centipede. I will kill you for sure.

After looking at that centipede, I can see that there is a way behind there nest. There is no other way or paths to go but there. So I really have to kill them all.

Well I feel sorry for them but I don't really care. I mean, I might sound mean but it is the survival of the fittest. Unless they let me go through there, maybe I won't try to harm them but clearly if they see me only one thing is for sure and that is I am dead.

If I will look at my MENU, I have 1/30 EXP which means I still need 29 more EXP. I have one corpse of centipede at my base which will give me 8 EXP, totalling to 9 EXP. So I will still need 21 more EXP. If I will do the math, I still need two more centipedes to level up.

Alright, I have a goal now and that is to kill this centipedes slowly and carefully.

I waited for a while again to see if there will be centipedes that will be strayed and I was not disappointed three centipedes move away from there nest and are going towards my direction. Well I wished for two but I was given three. This might be dangerous but let's take a risk.

I move back for now and will hide at the darkness and my shadow. I formulate a plan first before attacking. First let's Appraise them.

Name: None

Race: Mukade monster

Level: 1

HP: 20/20

Name: None

Race: Mukade monster

Level: 1

HP: 20/20

Name: None

Race: Mukade monster

Level: 1

HP: 20/20

Good their all level 1. This will make it easier to kill. Wait, I can see their health points now but why did I not see the health points of the Level 10 centipede before?

Maybe because it is higher level than me or it has a skill that hides it's status. Well for now let's think about the health points of these three. They have fewer health points than me when I was level 1, this explains why they are easier to kill. Does this mean that I have a higher stat growth? If it is that will be awesome.

Anyway, back to the plan, so first I will let them pass through and I will attack the last one with my shadow and then hide. I wish this will work.


Your Smart Thinking leveled up!

I feel like I can think more ways to kill these centipedes. Maybe I should also use my Poison fang while using Slash to add damage.

Ok let's do this. While I was thinking about these things, the centipedes are closing in now. They are less than 5 meters from me so hide behind my shadow. After two centipedes passing through my site, I attacked the last centipede and killed it by using Slash and at the same time using Poison Fang.


You gained 5 EXP.

After killing it, the other two noticed the noise and turned around but by that time, I was already hidden.


You gain Stealth!

Yes!! A skill that I needed at this time. With this skill it will help me be hidden more.

The two centipedes are looking around and crawling frantically finding the one who killed their brethren which is me. As they try finding me, the two of them move at separate ways which is good for me. Hehehehehehehe. Stupid pests.

After I see at they are 5 meters apart, I attacked 1 of them using the same tactics before which resulted to killing it. I hid after killing it and made my way to kill the other one.


You gain 5 EXP


You gain 5 EXP

After killing the three centipedes, I made my way back to my base bringing two centipedes. I carried one of them and the other one for my shadow, I will be back here to bring back the other. So many work to do!

Name: Ave

Race: Cat Monster

Level: 3

Experience (EXP): 16/30


Health points (HP): 67/70

Mana points (MP): 70/70

Strength (STR): 7

Vitality (VIT): 7

Dexterity (DEX): 7

Intelligence (INT): 7

Wisdom (WIS): 7


• Slash (Level 2)

• Appraisal (Level 3)

• Shadow (Level 1)

• Dark Vision (Level 2)

• Smart Thinking (Level 2)

• Multi Task (Level 1)

• Poison Resistance (Level 1)

• Poison Fang (Level 1)

• Stealth (Level 1)

Remarks: Has the same strength as a human child. Can be killed at any time.