Chapter 25 - Good or Bad Luck?

The giant lizards followed as for a while but it didn't last long. When we where far from the lake, the giant lizards went back towards the lake.

Now that they stopped chasing us, we stopped and rested. I think those giant lizards are the lizardmen. I didn't think that the lizardmen was that many and it was only outside the cave. We need to thin out there numbers little by little and don't make a direct attack. Attacking them with those numbers will only leave us with a disadvantage.

I looked at the sky and I can see that the sun is setting down. It was only a few hours before night time comes.

"Let's go back Rory. We will rest at the bear's cave. I don't want to encounter Orcred inside the orc's cave."

I said this while standing up while Rory did the same while replying.

"Yes, master Ave."

We spend an hour travelling to reach the bear's cave. Once inside, I brought out the bed that was made by Rory but sadly I can't fit in it anymore. I then used ice magic to make an ice bed and with my ice domain still on I won't need to worry of it melting. I then looked at Rory and was curious why he was unaffected by my Ice Domain all this time.

"Hey Rory, why are you still fine all this time while being inside my Ice Domain? Won't you feel uncomfortable with it?

I asked curiously at Rory.

"I'll be honest master Ave, at first I was uncomfortable with it but I got used to it and I have even managed to acquire Ice Resistance. It's level 2 now and your Ice Domain does not hinder me anymore, master Ave."

I feel guilty now by not noticing Rory having a hard time because of my Ice Domain. I also can't imagine that he easily coped with my Ice Domain and even took advantage of it by gaining ice resistance.

'I told you that your servant has more potential than you. He actually easily coped with your Ice Domain and even gained Ice Resistance from it. How I wish you are like him, stupid cat!'

Akira commented making me want to beat him up. I instead ignored Akira's comment and only continued talking with Rory.

"Rory I will task you to hunt monsters for EXP and only bring one monster corpse for me to eat. But if you can bring me a monster alive it will be better. It can be a weak monster. I'll rest while you do that."

Rory can do this since he does not need rest while I on the other hand still needs to eat and rest. One monster will be enough for my stomach. I have the Glutton Eater title but it does not mean that I have to eat many to be satisfied. It only increased my appetite to eat but it did not increase my need of food intake.

"I shall finish it immediately, master Ave."

I wanted Rory to bring an alive monster for me to test something. I wanted to know if I can use my Consume skill on a live target. All this time I only used Consume on dead targets and it will be amazing if I can use Consume on live targets.

While I was thinking about this, I laid at my ice bed to rest with my shadow clones standing beside my bed. I can't bring my shadow clones with Rory since I won't be able to control them without me seeing the place. How I wish they have their own minds so that I won't need to control them.


You gain 100 EXP.


You leveled up.


You gain 100 EXP.

I was a bit startled by the system but recovered immediately. Rory must have started to hunt. I guess it's time for me to rest. I then left my shadow clones standing while I closed my eyes and soon darkness consumed my vision.

When I opened my eyes it was already completely dark and I can see that I leveled up by three times. I'm already level 72 which made my Ring of Khione having an upgrade, and it also helped my Ice Magic and Ice Resistance leveled up to 8. I checked my Ring of Khione to see the changes.

Ring of Khione (Level 72):

A ring that was blessed by the god of snow.

+50% INT

+30% WIS

+25% DEX

+25% STR

+25% VIT

Bonus skills:

• Will gain knowledge of any language.

• Can easily learn skills mostly related to ice.

• For every ten levels your Ice related skills will level up by 1.

• For every fifty levels your Ice Domain skill will level up by 1.

Level is based on the owner and will upgrade based by the owner's level. Will unlock more skills as the owner's level rises.

I then checked my stats next.

Name: Ave

Race: Corrupted Humanoid Cat (Child)

Title: Glutton Eater (Level 2)

Level: 72

Experience (EXP): 102 / 720


Health points (HP): 2810 / 2810

Mana points (MP): 3370 / 3370

Strength (STR): 225 [+56]

Vitality (VIT): 225 [+56]

Dexterity (DEX): 225 [+56]

Intelligence (INT): 225 [+112]

Wisdom (WIS): 225 [+67]


• Power Slash (Level 1)

• Appraisal (Level 9)

• Shadow (Level 2)

• Dark Vision (Level 9)

• Smart Thinking (Level 9)

• Multi Task (Level 9)

• Poison Body (Level 1)

• Stealth (Level 9)

• Ice Magic (Level 8)

• Ice Resistance (Level 8)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Space Magic (Level 3)

• Basic Gauntlet Arts (Level 3)

• Ice Domain (Level 1)

• Consume (Level MAX)

Remarks: Has the strength to destroy small villages.

It was a huge upgrade but I still felt weak when I remember the pressure and level Orcred has.

I then looked at Rory and I can see that his flames became a bit lighter in color and had a holy feeling with it.

"Good evening, master Ave. Did you had a good rest? I also caught a rabbit alive for your request, master Ave."

He said while pointing at a living rabbit which looked like the one that I hunted last time when I first came into the forest. The rabbit was encircled in flames which made it trapped inside. I can see the fear in the rabbit's eyes. Such a poor rabbit but I can only make him a sacrifice for my experiment.

'As if you really do feel pity for the rabbit.'

Akira commented which I ignored completely, and I continued talking with Rory instead.

"Yes, I did have a great rest. Thank you for the rabbit with this I can do my experiment."

I then moved towards the rabbit and I felt hot from the flames surrounding the rabbit. This never happened before because with my Ice Domain active I don't feel the heat from Rory's Fire Magic. I observed the fire much closer and it confirms my suspicion that the fire is really light in color and it radiates a holy feeling. I looked at Rory and asked.

"Why does your flames feel hotter than last time?"

Rory looked at me while saying excitedly.

"My Fire Magic evolved into Holy Fire Magic, master Ave and along with it my Basic Blade Arts turned into Intermediate Blade Arts."

I felt surprised to know that his Fire Magic and Basic Blade Arts evolved. I was happy for him but at the same time jealous. I then checked his stats to confirm it.

Name: Rory

Race: Humanoid Cat (Child)


• Fire Blade Servant (Level MAX)

• Loyal Servant (Level 1)

• Blessed by Xitchuli (Level MAX)

Level: 72


Health points (HP): 1440 / 1440

Mana points (MP): 1480 / 1480

Strength (STR): 144 [+43]

Vitality (VIT): 144

Dexterity (DEX): 144 [+43]

Intelligence (INT): 148

Wisdom (WIS): 140


• Power Slash (Level 2)

• Holy Fire Magic (Level 1)

• Holy Fire Body (Level 1)

• Multi Task (Level 1)

• Intermediate Blade Arts (Level 1)

• Ice Resistance (Level 2)

• Dark Vision (Level 2)

He really did have a huge upgrade and I can also see that his Slash evolved into Power Slash, and he gained Dark Vision. He also gained a new title!? Why did he get another one!?

'Xitchuli actually blessed Rory. This God is said to be good but don't be happy about Rory having his blessing. He might be stolen from you by Xitchuli. You may have a contract but a God can exterminate that anytime.'

'What!? But he is also blessed by another God! The Goddess Shula to be exact.'

'Shula and Xitchuli are both associated with the law of fire. They might be fighting right now with who will be the to take Rory away. Rory will make a good servant for them seeing that Rory has great potential when it comes to fire. But Shula and Xitchuli are both Lesser Gods so you don't need to be afraid that much.'

'You make it sound easy but it isn't. They maybe Lesser Gods but they are still Gods. How can I fight those two? Maybe I should just give Rory away.'

'Stupid cat! Rory is a great servant so giving him away is not an option. Your only option is to be strong so that you will be able to contend with those two.'

'Arghhh! There is no use thinking about this now! I'll think about this later!'

I stopped talking with Akira and looked at the new title of Rory.

Blessed by Xitchuli (Level MAX):

Xitchuli is the God of holy fire. His fire has the holy element making it effective towards the dark creatures. He blessed you seeing that you have great potential when it comes with fire magic, and also seeing that you have a good heart within you. The blessing will help you learn fire skills easily when you do good deeds towards others, and will make holy creatures be friendly towards you.

The title is good but I'm worried with what Akira said. I forced my terrible thoughts away and forced myself to think about other things.