Chapter 31 - Lightning

We walked inside the cave and we immediately encountered 2 ogres. Nixie acted fast and used her Ice Magic to disable the two ogres. Rory then dashed at the two ogres and beheaded them when he was close.


You gain 500 EXP.


You gain 500 EXP.


You Level up!

I then used my Consume skill on the two ogres to gain more EXP.


You gain 600 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 600 EXP.

We continued to go inside but suddenly a huge ogre came out. It was twice the size of a normal ogre. It also has a yellow skin and I can see that lightning was coming out from it's body. It also has a different weapon from the other ogres. It has a huge hummer for a weapon. I then appraise it to see it's stats.

Name: ------------

Class: ---------------

Race: Lightning King Ogre

Level : 85

HP: 1600 / 1600

MP: 300 / 300

STR: 160

VIT: 160

DEX: 45

INT: 30

WIS: 30


• HP Regeneration

• Heavy Smash

• Heavy Punch

• Stomp

• Lightning Body

• Basic Hammer Arts

So this was the King Ogre but I can see that it is weak and I don't even to need move because I'm sure that Rory can handle him alone. I can also see that behind the King Ogre was 5 more normal ogres. I then prepared myself for a fight but suddenly an unexpected thing happened.

"Please... Spare... me..." The King Ogre said while having a hard time in speaking. I can see that it's intelligent for it's race.

I was shocked when I heard him speak but I calmed down after a while and said:

"Why should I? I don't get any benefit from keeping you alive and besides I can gain levels just by killing you." I said with a scary tone trying to intimidate the King Ogre.

The King Ogre shook and knelt on the ground while saying:

"I'm.... will.... to.... be... servant... yours..." The King Ogre said which was a bit hard to understand.

I was okay with having another servant but having to many is a hussle and besides I don't plan on making a big party. I only want a small group that possess great strength individually so for the five normal ogres, I guess I'll just make them my dinner for tonight.

But before I can make the King Ogre my servant, I need to first make sure that I can do that. Last time I made Rory my servant, I was only able to have one servant and I don't know if I can do it again.

'Akira, can I have another servant with my current strength?' I asked Akira since he is knowledgeable.

'You have a capacity to have one more right now and when you evolve again you will have the capacity to have three servants. You should be picky when choosing your servants but I can see that the King Ogre has good potential so you should quickly make him your servant.

I also want to say to you that their is another contract but it is less restrictive. It is a contract called King and Subordinate. You can have 10 beings with a contract by the King and Subordinate contract but this contract is not excessive and the subordinate can betray you but is highly unlikely. You can use this contract with the normal ogres if you want but they won't change in race if you make a contract with them.' Said Akira giving me a suggestion if I want to keep the 5 ogres.

'Thank you Akira but I won't keep the other 5 ogres because they will be more of a liability than an asset.' I said cruelly and besides they can betray me anytime if they want to.

My talk with Akira was only a few seconds. I then moved towards the King Ogre and said:

"I accept your proposal." I said and then cut my finger to drop a bit of blood on his forehead.

"I shall call you Rai, will you accept me as your master and swear loyalty only towards me?"

"I... accept..." The King Ogre replied with a happy expression and was immediately swallowed by light.

The light lasted for a couple of minutes and soon the light faded. A Humanoid Cat came out but it was even bigger than Rory. It has a long yellow hair that reaches until it's waist. I was surprised to see that it was chubby. Rai also has two tails that was colored black. His ears was colored black too and he has a pale skin like mine. I can also see that he holds a big hammer that was twice his size. The hammer was silver in color and has lightning that was coming out. The hammer was the same hammer he has when he was still an King Ogre but changed in size to fit his body size.

Rai then opened his eyes and I can see that he has yellow eyes.

"Thank you master for bestowing me strength." Rai knelt while having a hard time because of his fat body. Hahahahahahaha!

"Your welcome but please make clothes if you can!" I said while Rai followed my orders.

He made clothes that was made of lightning and I can see that his lightning has a mix color of yellow and black which made me curious but I'll check it out later.

"For your first task Rai, I want you to kill the 5 ogres behind you and bring me there corpses when you are done." I said to Rai with a smile. Rai has a complicated look when I said that.

"Master can't you make a contract with them too?" Rai asked me, to which I nodded.

"I can but I don't want to. They will only be a burden to us. I don't want weaklings in my group. Now follow my orders and execute it properly or I'll just kill you myself if you can't." I said while laughing.

Rai was gonna complain but Rory stopped him by putting a sword on his neck.

"Follow master Ave's command or I'll be the one to kill you!" Rory said with anger coming out from his mouth.

Rai followed my orders by smashing his hammer down towards the ogres. I can see that a stray tear came out from his eye but I didn't care. This step was a trial to see if I can trust him. Rory did the same by cooking his own brethren to prove his loyalty. Rory is really a unique existence that only follows my command without any questions.


I laughed while Rai was killing the ogres and I only stopped when I saw that all of them was killed.


You gain 500 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 500 EXP.


You gain 500 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 500 EXP.


You gain 500 EXP.


You Level up!

"You passed your trial of loyalty, Rai." I praised Rai while he was puking.

"Ave, can I talk to you for a minute." Nixie suddenly interupted. She was quiet the whole time. I then nodded and we then moved to a corner to talk while Rory and Rai collects the ogre corpses.

"Don't you think it was too much to order Rai to kill his own kind? I can't see the reason on why you did that, Ave." Nixie said while having a sad expression.

"I don't trust someone easily Nixie and this is the only way for me to know if I can trust someone else. It might sound cruel but I can't make a contract with the other 5 ogres because I need to go into human settlements in the future. I can have Rory and Rai accompany me because they have the same race as mine, and will obtain a skill that will help us disguise ourselves into humans. Also my enemies are powerful and the 5 ogres will only be on the way if they come along." I said to Nixie.

"But... still..."

"This conversation is over Nixie. I know that my actions are terrible but please remember that the ogres too have done many terrible things. I won't make myself clean and I know that what I did was cruel for Rai but I won't change my actions even if I can turn back time." I said to Nixie while walking towards Rory and Rai, leaving her alone at the corner of the cave.

I then stored the 5 ogres first and not used my Consume skill on them since I was already Level 99. I have to prepare for my evolution since it might take a long time before I complete the process of evolution. My last evolution took a whole night to finish so I can't evolve in a dangerous place when I'm vulnerable.

"Let's go back to the lizardmen's cave everyone!" I shouted since I believe that it is the safest place to evolve.

Rory then guided us towards the cave but we moved slower because of Rai. The attributes of Rai is more focused on strength and vitality making his other three attributes low. It took us one and half hour to go back into the cave. I then made an ice to cover the entrance of the cave once we were all inside.