Chapter 37 - Wuchowsen Kingdom!

I was woken from my sleep by the rising sun. I was used to sleep at the cave that was dark so seeing the sunlight made me blink a couple of times. I can hear crows chirping at the background. I looked outside and I can see the crows are eating the corpses. It was disgusting to see but I stayed and watched. I need to get used to this because as far as I know this world, it is a world that is full of blood and death.

I was gonna go downstairs to look for Loyce but stopped when I heard loud snores.

"She must be still asleep..." I whispered and went outside to find something to eat.

I missed Rory serving me breakfast every morning. He was like a knight and a butler at the same time.

I don't know where to find food, and I can't go to far because Loyce might leave me behind. I then looked at the crows again. These crows might be my breakfast for today.

Ice daggers was made at the sky, and thrown at five crows. I then used Consume on them once I was finished.

I gained a total of 300 EXP from the crows and a full stomach for the journey.

Since I was full already, I went back to the house and sat at a chair that was beside a window. I can't do anything except to wait for Loyce.

Loyce woken up when the sun was already up in the sky. She left her bedroom with nothing but her bra and panties.

I was amazed at her body but didn't look for too long because I'm scared she might kill me for being a pervert.

Loyce walked at the kitchen table while holding a small cube.

"Good morning, Ave. Come here and join me with my breakfast." She said while smiling at me.

I was curious where's the breakfast she was talking about, and suddenly many kinds of food came out from her cube.

The cube took out scrambled eggs, pancakes, and beacons which made me drop some saliva from my mouth. There was 2 sets of those food with glass of milk at the side.

I then dashed towards the seat that was facing Loyce. I sat while saying:

"Good morning to you too, ma'am Loyce. Thank you for the breakfast." I bowed at her to which she chuckled at.

"Eat up, and will go to the Wuchowsen Kingdom after." Loyce said, and she then started to eat.

I nodded and took the fork and knife that Loyce handed to me.

I first tasted the scrambled egg which almost made me shed some tears. I can't believe that my normal breakfast before in my world would taste this fantastic. I then ate the pancakes after and was soon followed by beacons. Beacons was one of my favorite foods which I saved for last.

I drank the milk when I was done, and suddenly burped loud which made me embarrassed. My face was completely red while I was looking at the ground as if it was interesting.

"Pfft.. Hahahahahahahaha!" Loyce laughed like a boy which made me laugh too.

We finished our breakfast with laughter making me realize that I should not always focus on revenge. I should also enjoy life as I figure out how to execute my revenge and Akira's revenge.

"Wait for me Ave while I changed my attire." Loyce said while going to her bedroom.

'You should always prioritize being strong to successfully complete our revenge. Don't enjoy too much and it will only lead it to your demise.' Akira warned me.

'I... alright...' I said with a serious face. I will have a lot of time to enjoy life after I accomplished our revenge.

'Thank you, Akira for reminding me.' I said to Akira.

'Hmph, don't be too relaxed around others. Remember that you were betrayed by your own brother. Don't trust easily!' Akira gave me a last warning and left.

Loyce returned after my conversation with Akira. She was now wearing her armor, and weapon at her back.

"Let's go, Ave." She said and went outside. I nodded and followed after her.

When we're outside, she took out a green flute from her cube. She then played with the flute, and soon I can here a screeching sound from above.

A big eagle was at the sky flying towards us. It has green feathers and was 7 meters wide. It looked majestic and powerful. I appraise it and was shock to see how powerful it was.

Name: Budgy

Race: Lesser Wuchowsen

Level: 200


Health points (HP): 8000 / 8000

Mana points (MP): 7500 / 7500

Strength (STR): 700

Vitality (VIT): 800

Dexterity (DEX): 2000

Intelligence (INT): 750

Wisdom (WIS): 750


• Flight

• Wind Magic

• Wind Resistance

• Drill Peck

• Eagle Eyes

Even this bird is stronger than me!?

I gained strength and even evolved a couple of times but I'm still weak. This made me realize that I am still an ant compared to others.

The bird then landed in front of Loyce while Loyce pets it's head. The bird looks happy to get Loyce's attention.

"Ave meet my mount, Budgy. This girl will be our mode of transportation to get to the Kingdom." Loyce said while seating on the bird.

"This bird is amazing ma'am Loyce!" I acted as if amazed and soon followed Loyce to ride on it.

I was about to ride but suddenly the bird tried to attack me. I dodged the bird's beak to the side. The bird as more angry when it saw that I dodged it's attack. It tried to attack me again but was then scolded by Loyce.

"Budgy be kind to the poor child. Don't be petty and let him ride or I won't give your favorite treat later." Loyce said which stopped the bird from it's attacks but still looked at me with hostility.

"Thank you ma'am Loyce!" I said while riding the bird. While I was doing that, I gave the bird a smirk which made it more mad.

The bird's feathers was soft to sit in. It was comfortable to touch making me want to sleep on the bird.

"I'll cast a spell on you Ave, that helps you adjust with flying. I don't want you falling off in the sky later on." She giggled while saying this.

I nodded and soon my body was enveloped with green light. The light was warm and I can feel the wind around me. This must be Wind Magic!

"Let's go Budgy!" Loyce shouted when everything was ready.

The bird shouted too and spread it's wings. It flapped it's wings and soon we were at the sky.

We flew towards the north, I looked back and I can see the village at the ground. I looked at the Antear Woods and I can see beside the forest was the mountains, and at the back of it is the sea. So I was teleported at the edge of the continent.

Since I don't have anything else to do, I talked with Akira.

'Akira, what must I do first when I arrived at the kingdom?' I asked so that we can plan ahead.

'I want you to first register at a Mercenary Guild. Remember Mercenary Guild and not the Adventurers Guild.' Akira said to which confused me to why I should join the Mercenary Guild and not the Adventurers Guild.

'Why the Mercenary Guild and not the Adventurers Guild?' I asked.

'Because the Mercenary Guild is a guild that deals with not only monster subjugation but also dark missions like assassinations. Plus, it pays more and you can abandon the mission anytime.

While the Adventurers Guild only does mission for monster subjugation, gathering missions, escorting missions, and the like.' Akira explained.

'It does not have much of a difference except for the dark missions that the Mercenary Guild has. The only benefit you mentioned was more money.' I said to Akira, unconvinced with his plan in joining the Mercenary Guild.

'I also wanted you to join that Guild because I want you to steal something from the Guild. It is a priceless item that was once mine and will surely be helpful to you, stupid cat!' Akira shouted at me.

'What item is that and how can I get that? It's dangerous for me to steal something from a Guild with my current level.' I worriedly said.

'The item is a pair of gauntlets which will help you boost your strength. I'm sure that it is at the current possession of the Guild Master. That old guy must still be alive and I want you to kill him too if possible!' Akira said making me have a headache with a new problem that he has given me.

So much work to do!

'My plan is to let you have a high rank and position in the Guild so that the old guy will trust you. We'll then sneak attack him and kill him when we see a chance!' Akira continued.

'Alright, I'll follow your plan. The item you mentioned made me interested.' I said and ended our conversation.