Chapter 65 - Returning 3

An hour passed and we're completely healed now. Jan has no more wounds but his clothes was destroyed and full of holes now.

"I'll just change my clothes for now, Ave." Jan said while turning back and changing his clothes.

A set of black clothes and armor came out, and he then picked those up; and wore it. I still don't know where those items come from.

'They must have come from an item that has a space storage.' Akira commented.

'Oh? so those kind of items exist. I must buy one and I can then use my own space storage by using Space Magic to put my things on.'

'That's a great idea but storage spaces are kinda expensive. When I was alive it was priced from 5 purple banknotes to 50 purple banknotes. The price is dependent on the size of the space storage item.' Akira explained.

'I should just buy the most cheap storage space item then.' I replied.

I ended the conversation when I saw that Jan was done changing clothes.

"Let's go, Ave." Jan said while I stood up from the ground and followed him.

"Shouldn't we have used Ice Heal on Jan earlier, Ave?" Nixie whispered to me.

"We should hide most of our skills, Nixie. I know that Jan was in a dangerous time earlier but I think he can manage it, and he did." I whispered back.

"Okay. Your more important than Jan anyway." Nixie said.

I smiled while patting Nixie from my shoulder. We walked with more cautious steps this time. We can't let our previous encounter earlier happen again.

The whole day we went up but this time we're lucky that we didn't face any kind of troubles this time. Now we're half way through. Jan was resting again while I was on night watch.

I looked at my status and I can see that I'm level 185 now while Blite has overtaken me now, he was level 188.

Many of my skills have evolved and level up again. My Stealth has evolved into High Stealth. Now I can go unnoticed by beings that are 15 levels higher than me but it was kind of useless in this mountain since the monsters here have higher levels than that.

I can't imagine how powerful the monsters here will be if they had classes. If that was to happen, I might not be alive now.

My Dark Vision also evolved now and turned into Improved Dark Vision. Now I can see anything in the dark clearly. Also when it's dark my vision is buffed and can let me see anything that is 100 meters around me.

With this skill I felt like I'm the king of the night. These advantages are great since nothing will be unnoticed from me when it's dark.

The next thing that evolved is my title Envy, it turned into Sin of Envy [Baron] now. This is how it looks now.


Sin of Envy [Baron] (Level MAX):

Can copy 2 skills from others for a month. The skills will be level 5 when you copy someone's skill. You will learn the skill 'Envy's Eye'.

The title will evolve when you kill other three holders of this title.



Thanks to this I can copy two skills now. I won't copy skills that foolishly like before but will only copy the skills that I think are unique or hard to acquire.

Next, I checked my new skill 'Envy's Eye'.


Envy's Eye (Level MAX):

Using this skill will let you get the buff of your enemy by a 50% chance. If the enemy has no buffs, it will instead give them a debuff by a 50% chance.

The debuff can be paralysis, poison, slow movement speed, muddy eyes, or the like.

When used, you will lose 5% of your HP.


This skill can be a game changer if I use it early in the battle. It will only cost me 5% of HP so I don't have to worry but it only has 50% chance to debuff the enemy. I'll use it to strong opponents and it might turn the tables around.

I also noticed that my Snow Magic has turned into level 10 but didn't evolve yet. This made me curious since does this mean that some of the skills don't evolve when they reach level 10? Or did it not evolve because I haven't met a special requirement yet? I'll think about it later on since thinking about this won't give me an answer.

'You can ask me if you want.' Akira commented.

'Alright, then what's the answer?' I asked.

'The skills can evolve at different levels. You think that reaching the next grade will be that easy? As far as I can remember when you reach Snow Magic, it will only evolve when you reach level 30.' Akira explained.

'Thanks for the info!' I said and ended our talk.

The last thing that improved from my skills is the Shadow Skill. It has now evolved into Shadow Copy. It looks like this now:


Shadow Copy (Level 1):

Can make a shadow clone of yourself. The clone will have 70% of your attributes. The shadow clones will have sentience now. They will be like a part of your body and will follow your every order without questions. When a shadow clone dies, the experience that it had when it was alive will be passed to you.

The shadow clones will have the same memories, skills, and experiences that you have.

Can summon a total of 5 shadow clones.


The number that I can summon shadow clones has weakened but it was now easier to use compared to before. They have there own sentience now and can move on there own. I don't have to control them now but instead just order them.

Also, if what I understand from the skill is right. I will be able to experience the things that it had learned when it was alive. This can be convenient when I'm trying to improve my skills.

I wish I can try it now but I still can't since Jan is with me. I'm so excited to test this when we return to the guild.

The next thing I checked is Blite's status. Blite's Demonic Dark Magic has evolved into Abyssal Dark Magic. This in turn also helped me power up.

Next would be his Shape Shift skill. It has leveled up by two levels and he can now transform into a mouse and a small bird.

I was done checking the skills after a couple of minutes. Nothing particularly changed from the other skills.

I want to see how Rory and Rai also improved but right now I can't. I tried checking there own statuses but I can't. The system has greyed out there statuses so I can't check how much they improved now.

I can only pray that both of them are fine and doing well. I can't wait to see there own improvements when I meet them up. Only 5 months and half, and I will be able to meet them again.

While I was thinking of this things I suddenly saw many human shadows far away from us. I can feel a dangerous aura coming out of them.

I don't know who they are but I can feel danger from them. I run towards Jan and woke him up by slapping his face.

"Jan wake up! Some people are coming on our way!" I shouted on his ear to wake him up.

I can see that they are almost here so I pulled Jan and run up to the mountain.

"Wha... What's happening?" Jan asked waking up from his slumber.

"We need to go, I can feel a dangerous aura coming out from the people behind us." I said while trying my best to run as fast as I could.

"What!? Those might be the knights from the Kingdom! We need to hurry and run!" Jan said while running faster than me.

I can't keep up with him and at this rate, I might be a burden. I summoned Nixie again so she can help us with this situation.

The people from behind us chased after us. They are faster than Jan so after a few series of running, we were both encircled by knights.

Before they got us surrounded, we wore are masks so that we can hide our identities.

One of the knights was wearing the same armor as Loyce while the other 10 knights was just wearing plain white armor with a green bird symbol.

"You must be the assassins that killed Baron Deha. We won't kill you if you both hand over yourselves peacefully or if you don't, well you know what will happen." The man wearing the green armor said. He was looking at his sword when he said that.

I tried appraising him and I was thankful to see that he was weaker than Loyce. He was only leveled 453 but it was still an overwhelming level compared to us.

"Ave, what should we do now?" Jan whispered to me.

"We can't let them catch us. If they catch us that will be the same as killing us." I replied.

"On the count of three I'll let Nixie make an ice golem. We'll barge on a single direction, and escape then. Nixie control the ice golem while sitting on my shoulder." I said.

They both nodded while I started counting.


"What are you counting for vermin?" The green knight said when he heard me counting.


"Hmph, you're really disrespectful."



His was about to say something but stopped when he saw the ice surrounding us.