The Red-Eyed Savior

The fight between Jill's team of adventurers and the boss's monsters continued. It had been 13 whole minutes since the battle had started. Their survival time had long exceeded their expectations but the team was reaching their limit. Jill watched as their movements started to slow.

The C-ranker and 1 of the B-rankers had had enough and already fell onto the floor. They weren't dead but only in critical condition. This was it, the longest the team could keep up. If Jill waited any longer, they would all be nothing more than punching bags to the creatures.

"Now's the time." She thought to herself.

Her body sprinted forward and she shouted to each of her members.

"Get down!"

They all duck when Jill moved, swung her hand through the air and chancted a spell.

"Catch Fire!"


A large and heat-full blast of fire spread out and covered the many monsters. Jill firmly held the poison-coated needle and rushed forward. When the fire began clearing, she caught a glimpse of where the King Wanderer was standing. It was all going smoothly. The boss most likely had no idea where she was so, it was almost guaranteed that the plan would succeed. Her feet carried her forward and she thrusted the needle toward the boss with all of her strength. A smirk ran across her face when she realized that there was no way to avoid her attack, she was already too close.

"I got you."

The point of the needle stabbed against the creature's skin but…

[Enemy has activated 'Harden']

...the entire structure of the long silver needle shattered and sparks slid off of the boss's skin. A plan that came so close to success had failed, right at the palm of her hand.

"No I fail-" Before she even had a chance to finish her sentence, the creature's large claws stuck through her stomach, all the way to her back.

{Hp: 463/578}

She stood in shock and fear as blood left her mouth, falling down her chin.

Jill knew what had happened but she couldn't believe it. Her legs began feeling weak and her limbs felt as if they were going numb. She could feel the warmness of the blood pumping from her stomach.

Her frightened gaze looked down, and she saw the creature's arms, still stuck through her stomach. An evil high-pitched laughter left the creature's mouth as it yanked its arm from her stomach. Jill wobled, struggling to keep her balance. She touched her wound with her hand then looked at her red-covered palm.

"No….the blood isn't supposed to be on the outside. This isn't good."

She was losing blood at a fast pace, it was just a matter of time before she bled out completely.

{Hp: 378/578}

The feeling in her legs went fully limp and she fell onto her back.


She didn't even feel like fighting anymore. The will to live had left her mind.

The last two standing B-rankers shouted with anger and rushed forward but, in an instant, the boss moved forward and easily tore and amr of their bodies. They both screamed in pain and fell to their knees as a large crooked smile was worn on the King Wanderers face. There was nothing but the look of pure evil in its eyes. The creature lifted it's large claw and brought it close to their faces. Another high-pitched laugh escaped the Wanderer's mouth and the claw slowly stabbed into one of their eyes.

While Jill layed on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, she heard the other adventures scream in agony. Since the wanderer's were a tortuous kind of monster, they began carrying out painful but non-lethal strikes.

The First B-ranker had lost an eye, an arm, then a claw was stabbed into his leg. The Second B-ranker had also lost an arm, then his foot was torn from his body. The third B-ranker lost no limbs but was stabbed every couple of seconds. Then there was the C-ranker who was in the most amount of pain. He tried to crawl away as the creatures would rapidly slashed their claws across his back.

None of the monsters paid much attention to Jill as she was destined to die any moment. The screams of her teammates filled her eardrums but she wasn't bothered. It wasn't because she didn't care, it was because she felt a rather peaceful feeling while she stared at the ceiling, waiting to lose consciousness. Her end was close, so, in her seemingly final moments, all she could do was think to herself.

"I...guess I have it easy. I'll...die any moment now. But...the others...they'll have to deal with painfull torture before death. If only I didn't fail."

Her breathing grew weaker and weaker and her eyesight started to get blurry.

"Dad...looks like I'll be seeing you sooner than I thought. I'm...sorry that I wasn't careful enough."

Out of all the screams of pain and monster laughter, she was just barely able to make out the sound of boots.


Jill felt unexplainably weak but she couldn't control her curiosity, so she turned her head and saw the source of the noise. Steadily walking towards the monsters was a white-haired girl. Her eyes greatly shined red and the skin on her face was smooth. She wore a black leather jacket, shiny black boots and blue jeans. In her hand was a long blue sword that she had slumped onto her shoulder.

Where had this person come from? Jill could feel that the smooth-skin girl was no weak fighter by the way she walked. And due to [Sixth Sense] she was able to feel just how strong the girl actually was.

"...She...has to be a Platinum-ranker. But, how did she find us? did she even know we were in danger?" Jill thought to herself.

The white-haird girl suddenly dashed forward and began running at a speed which Jill could not track. Only flashes of blue light could be seen as the wanderers were cut apart. Left, right, left, right. Only for a moment, the girl slowed down, revealing herself. A stream of blue light followed her sword as she swung it downwards, slicing a monster's body down the middle. And again, her moments became untrackable. Jill and the other adventures couldn't believe their own eyes when they watched the many creatures begin to fall, one by one. Seconds passed and blue lights flashed across the air. All the commotion stopped and the white haired girl stood next to the many monsters she had killed. Her eyes stared at the last opponent, the King Wanderer.


The girl ran past the boss and swung her sword, slicing off the creature's head. A threat that looked like a god to B-ranker was dealt with in an instant.

Jill stared at the white-haired girl and the two of them made eyed contact.

"Who...are you?" Jill asked.

"Well, you can just call me Sora. I'm a friend of Katsuya."

Sora noticed the devastating wound in Jill's stomach as a puddle of blood laid under her. Quickly, Sora made her way over and kneeled down.

"...If came sooner." Despite the amount of blood that had been lost, Jill still managed to wear a smile.

"This isn't good. She's bleeding out quickly." Sora thought to herself.

{Hp: 67/ 578}

Sora didn't know any healing spells, so there wasn't much she could do for her. But, there was still one more option.

Sora spoke into Katsuya's mind, having a conversation which Jill or the other couldn't hear.

"Jill isn't in good shape. She has a wound and is losing a lot of blood. There's not much time till she dies. The other adventurer's that are with her have the same problem."

Upon hearing the news, Katsuya felt his heart drop into his stomach.

"No… isn't there anything we can do? Anything at all?"

"There's only one thing that can be done. If you use the servant pact on them, then you can transfer you Hp to them. Though, I'd still have to run them to a hospital."

"I need their consent first before I can do it."

"I know. I'll ask them."

Sora placed her hand on Jill's forehead, moving her hair and revealing her face.

"Jill, You and your friends can be saved but, I'll have to ask you each question first. Are you willing to serve under Katsuya as a servant?"

"Servant? you mean?"

"It's just what it sounds like. So, what's your answer."

Dead silence filled the air before Jill replied, wearing a slight smile.

"...Yes, I am."

Sora stood back up and looked at all the others who all lied on the ground. She could feel their pain as she could see the injuries and blood.

"Okay, you all could be saved but, you'll have to answer a question first. Are you all willing to serve under Katsuya as a servant? Yes or no."

It was clear that the adventures had no clue who that was. Even so, they wanted to live. So, they gave their answers.


"I'll do it."


"I will…"

Hearing all of their answers brought a proud and relieved smile on Sora's face. Earlier when Sora was moving through the dungeon, she had come across the body of one of the adventures. It was regretful, not being able to save him but, she was happy to at least have saved the rest.


(Progressive Dungeon Entrance)

Katsuya let out a breath and felt accomplished. Finally, he was able to prevent death.Though, Sora had not told him the news of the 1 adventurer that had lost his life

['Servant Pact' has been activated]

[ 3 Souls have received a 'Servant Pact']

"Transfer heath, max transfer."

Jill and the others Hp had been fully recovered. However, since they haven't received a healing spell, they still had their wounds. For the most part, everything was going to be okay. Everyone's full health gave Sora time to run each individual to a hospital for care.

Katsuya let his gaze run free, staring up at the sky.

"This could've gone a lot worse." No words could explain his gratefulness towards Sora.

A window that contained words and phrases appeared directly in front of Katsuya.

[ Servant 1's name had been set as 'Jill'

Servant 2's name has been set as 'Umar'

Servant 3's name had been set as 'Casey'

Servant 4's name has been set as 'Amir'

Servant 5's name has been set as 'Hector']

"When we all meet in person, I'll let them introduce themselves. It would be weird if I showed up and automatically knew their names."