I Will Level Them Up

The clouds were grey and dark, lightning would shoot through the sky, followed by loud booming thunder. Millions of raindrops would rapidly fall from the sky, gently hitting the floor.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Passing forest trees, Katsuya walked, stepping through puddles as the rain wet his clothes and hair. He wasn't all that frustrated by it, in fact, he had a calm and relaxing mood while the smell of rain ran up his nose.

"Rain seems to be the only thing that makes me happy nowadays."

"Where are you going? You shouldn't be fighting monsters. Your muscles are still recovering." said Sora.

"Don't worry. I'm only heading to a dungeon that I can easily handle."

Ever since Jill and the other formed a servant pact with him, Katsuya had been thinking about going to a dungeon and leveling his teammates up since they'll share exp. And once his servants noticed the change in their stats, he would explain the whole situation to them. Because he planned to eventually clear the lower floors in the progressive dungeon. He knew he would need help doing so as the floors went past 100.

"Alright, I'm here but, it looks like some of the monsters already know that."

Out from the darkness of the cave, was a small group of monsters. Each monster stood tall and had four arms each. They were a type of monster called 'Boxers' due to their capable fighting abilities.

Though, they weren't enough to make Katsuya feel hesitant. He walked forward and the monster screeched, charging at him.

Four simple strikes from his fists tore each of the boxers apart as if they were paper.

"That's a start."

He continued his journey forward, wandering into the depths of the cave.


(Location: Beast Slayer Guild)

The guild master leaned back in his chair and looked at the man who sat across from him.

{Name: Itsu Klein | Occupation: Guild Master of the Beasts Slayer Guild}

"So, Mr. Shadow, what is it you need?"

"There's a specific task the secret service needs help with. Though, I cannot discuss the details unless you offer help. But, I can say it's a rather serious matter that threatens the city."

"Very well then, let me hear it."

The secret Service headquarters had sensed extreme energy waves coming from a specific spot in the country. The energy was unlike anything the secret services have ever heard of which led them to investigate further. A team was sent out and discovered a dungeon with a large structure that stretched out for miles underground. An energy meter was taken inside. The amount of energy was even more massive than what they had originally sensed. So, the place had been declared as the first 'Legendary-rank Dungeon'

"But, there's no plans to move in anytime soon for we have no clue what kind of creatures could be lurking down there. So, the president has given orders for us to recruit large teams of highly-skilled individuals. Each team will be equipped with items, weapons and armor of the highest quality."

"I'll let my top ranker know. They'd be more than happy to help." Itsu replied.


Two muscular and tall creatures stood in front of Katsuya. They had large horns sticking out of their heads and each held a giant sword. These kinds of monsters were called 'Minotaurs'

One of them lifted their sword and swung it at Katsuya with all of their strength.

"Oh, so they're wasting no time, huh." He firmly held out his hand and stopped the blade, inches away from his face.

His grip tightened and the entire blade shattered to pieces.

One punch knocked the minotaur's head off. The second monster reached out to grab Katsuya's face but suddenly found its arm missing.

"Are you looking for this?"

In Katsuya's hand was the missing part of the creature's arm. The minotaurs eyes shined with rage and it let out a roar while it slashed its blade forward.

The entire sword shattered and the monster's head was pulled from its body as Katsuya passed by.


A small shower of blood trickled from its head as Katsuya held it.

"Gross." His grip loosened letting it fall.


"Alright . Now that just leaves the boss. "

He stared, looking up at the giant doors ahead.