Chapter 21 : The Neighbour Tribe

'Its smell so sweet!' Bina had jump around and finally stop after she had landed one of the trees that had orange red round fruit. It attracted her because of the strong sweet smell.

With her sharp nail, she cut the small branch that have six fruit hanging on it.


She jump down and take a bite. Its so juicy and sweet!!! Is this mango? What kind of mango is this? Louis will love this! As she was savoring the fruit, an animal who had follow her before, slowly approach Bina from behind. The animal had stiff bristle-hairs spotted with mix of black, brown and white. It has round big ear and at the end of it tail is white, its look ugly from a far but when you look closely, it looks like a hybrid wolves and dogs. (You can search : 'african wild dog'.)

When it come nearer Bina, Bina round ears twitching. She heard and smell something disgusting. Before she could turn to look back, the wolfdog jump towards her. Its long nail had scratch Bina body when Bina jump away from it. She glance for a little bit and continue to run when she saw the wolfdog snarl angrily with saliva hanging between its sharp teeth.

Bina thought it was too ugly and smelly, it must be a bad animal. With her small features she could run smoothly without hitting anything but the wolfdog is bigger than her, even though it had hit some roots and stone, it still running wanted to catch her. The wolfdog never slowed down.

Bina become panic when suddenly the terrible smell become thicker and it had surround her. She stops. She look around and there were three of wolfdog and two hyena had surrounded her. The wolfdog who had followed her before turn into naked human.

He had long black hair with a lot of scar on its face and its body.

"Little one, are you lost? Don't be scared. I just wanted to help you." The wolfdog said with ugly smile.

'What help? Obviously, you wanted to catch and kill me!' Bina feel a slight of pain at her body.

"Are your mother nearby? Or your father?" He ask again and come nearer toward Bina.

"Grr!" Bina snarl and wave her sharp paws when the man hand approach her. 'Don't touch me! You smelly fart!'

The man jump backward, even though Bina had small features, her attack is heavy and the wound has deep three claws. The blood flow badly.

"Argh! Naughty kid! Catch her!" He scream with anger.

The wolfdog and hyena jump at the same time blocking Bina from escape and she had been push down badly with them. She had been captured.

How can she win with her small body against five wild animals! The most she hated is the smell, it smell too bad, it makes her weaker when they all had smash her down.

'Awwq!!!!' She vomit. And… She fainted because of the terrible smell.

Bina gain conscious with a sniff, the smell was bad, making her dizzy. Before, in her tribe, the place and people had badly smell too but this tribe are thousand time smellier. She wanted to vomit again but she can't. She had vomit everything before.

She feel a sting from her nose. She remember her husband. When she first time met Leon, he was smelly like others but she doesn't really care back then because she was still a robot without emotion that time. When they start to stay together, Leon had notice she is a clean freak. Maybe Leon feel guilty with his bad smell after hunting, so, he will always take a bath on the river, before he went home.

My husband is the best. Bina feel blessed to meet someone good in this savage world. I must go back before Leon back home. Bina open her eyes. Her four feet had been tightly wrapped by rope makes from thick dead long leaves.

Bina try to loose it but it was too tight, she looks around, it seems like she in a cave but she had been surrounded by sharp and thick stick. Suddenly a roll of small meat was rolling towards her and stop near her face. She look up towards where it come from.

"Don't be afraid. You can eat it." A very gentle young man voice come from a half-naked man. He looks very young with curly copper red hair. His whole body and face black with dirt.

"Grr." Bina snarl. 'I am not gonna eat something dirty.'

"Little girl, you must eat before they come back. They won't let you eat." The boy said again with gentle voice.

Bina look at his young innocent face, he looks like a good boy. But still smelly. She ignore him and look around again. Bina saw not far from them, they were a group of hyena, warthog, wolfdog and a big rat? Bina look at it carefully. Its big, is it really a rat? Eew! She remember how she really hate rats in previous life.

"Arg." Bina wanted to vomit again but she can't.

"Hey! Who ask you to let her eat!?" A man that has a lot of scar on his face kick the young man. Making him fall miserably.

He didn't talk back but only look down, scared.

"Kid. Are you crying?" The man came toward Bina and crouch down.

Bina look at him without any respond.

Suddenly he laugh. "Are you the kid of that cheetah?"

Bina body turn stiff. She look at him with serious now.

"You have spotted black like your mother but in white, huh? Very rare. I never saw this kind of form before."

"Hey Toi! Is that the kid you talk about?" Not far from them another man with buff body came. He look at Bina with evil smile.

"Haaa! I think she is! Look at that rare spot. There are no other form like her before." He too crouch down.

"Hey kid! Are you alone now? Are you been abandoned because no one will take care of you? Hahahaha. Your mother is dead right? My memory is still vivid." With his ugly smile, he lift his hand.

"With this hand, I penetrate deep inside her body. Slash it and pull her organs out! Hahahahaha. I remember her face. She looks so dumb. The big shock eyes and her growl in pain. Haaa… It makes my blood boil with excitement."

"Awuurgh!" Bina angry. She remember back then, it was her first feel of hopeless when her mother die. She had lost first person that care about her.

When she heard he had penetrated her mother body and took out her organs, she remember her mother face and her body was stain with blood. She had scan her body when she came and saw her mother. Indeed, her intestine had been pulled out. She had died on spot back then. Its too late to heal her.

With only her little paws, she had torn the ropes easily and jump towards the killer. But the thick stick had block her. Like an angry little animal, she growl and snarl hatefully.

"Hahaha. Are you trying to make me impress? To keep you? Haaa.. I do like your unique form. Like your mother… but… prettier. White fur… I wonder how you look." The killer lick his lips.

"Finn! I catch her, its mine!" Toi, the scar man punch his shoulder.

"Hey! I killed her mother! Of course, the child is mine! My reward!" The buff body punch Toi back.

"What you wanna do with her? Eat?" Toi asked again feel annoyed with Finn. Finn is crazy bastard, no one can suppress him. He regret told him about her.

"Hahahaha. I am not that stupid. Of course I will used her to serve me!" He look back at Bina.

"Hey kid. Change to your human form." Finn kick her feet that she had try to get out from the cage.

Bina roll back with the kick. "Grrrr!" 'In your dream!'

"Small but strong heart, huh? I like you more now. You will be mine…" Before he can say something else, there are a loud of roar deep inside the cave.

Every people and animal form stop at what they doing and run deeper into the cave towards the roar.

"That shit of big head." Finn complained. "I be back kid." He too walk towards the roar with Toi.