
"and what about Hunter's Guild?" Master Will said. Trying to be vocal as possible in front of his apprentice. People who don't know of him would mistake him as a beggar due to his ragged linen clothing; and a severed hand. Which one time he did. Walking at the market checking for game, and weeds for his treatment. One man gave him enough Pica that would last him and Ned a couple of weeks. Which he gracefully refused. 

Ned sat cross-legged in a rock and positioned himself close to the soothing hymn of the stream—which helped him remembered the teachings his master imparted. Coupled with the chirping of birds, that made a melody in the depts of the forests. "Hunter's Guild Association," he said. "An independent organization, whose sole purpose is to hunt Magical Creatures. Sometimes taking bounties, and other missions that would raise funds."

Master Will lifted an eyebrow and nodded in satisfaction. "What about the basic professions?" Master Will said.