
"Ye really don't drink, do ye?" asked Lady Darcey approaching Ned. Raising a mug of liquor.

Ned shook his head. He wanted to leave, but out of respect with the crew, he chose to stay. Or wait for their slumber.

But Ned doubted that. How could alcohol knock them, when, almost every day they drink. Ned thought and tucked-in himself in the corner.

"We have a lot to choose here, ye know," she said. Waving her hand to convince Ned. "Island Draught, made from the seeds of Whitegrain Leaf growing only in Ebshon of Titan Cay."

Still, Ned remained silent.

"No, eh?" she said. "Then, how about Seafoam Crown? sweeter and stronger than the Seafoam ale, much expensive, but with the Mana stone ye gave, I can give ye a hundred barrel or two."

Ned shook his head. Almost yanked his head back the wall. Why would I need a hundred barrel of liquor? he thought.

"Still no? Princess Peach?"

"No," Ned muttered.

Winter Blend?"


"Island Waves?"
