
"Level ten!" Cried the announcer above his long and deep breath. "This month's Chance Arrow game reached level ten!"

Participants who wanted a quick silver joined the game and stopped at level five. But if one wants a real amount of silver and recognition, reach level ten. The prices were also a surprise. It could be a bow of the winner's choosing, an additional silver, or if the host was feeling generous, a prize only Great Houses could afford, one of them was mana stone.

On the goblin's neck was a crystal ball, inside the ball was a stone cut to almost perfection.

Ned rubbed the surface of the mechanical bow on his wrist and thought: I was expecting for more, but, whatever.

To his right stood Swift, wasn't surprised about the goblin that appeared nor the stone hanging on its neck. But was surprised with Ned being calm. "Kid," he said. Rounded and rough voice. "You don't look surprised by the mana stone."