Twali: Just Like the Old Days

Twali and Margaret bypassed trees by hopping through them. Twali decided to proceed directly to the fifth settlement. Margaret contemplated since her role was to attend and evaluate the quest's difficulty. And if things went south, the Association has given her the power to stop the quests as she saw fit. Luckily, for Ned's team, this wasn't the case. Perhaps.

"That explosion is definitely close," she said as she flicked her wrist, throwing knives hitting four wargs that tried to lunge at her. Three knives bore at the temple of the Wargs while the other hit under its rib. Grey furs smudged with blood, followed by a whimper.

"They can handle it," Twali said, his twin-blade slashed goblins and butrikis in a vortex formation. Bodies hurled midair. Limbs and bones followed suit. The already extended reach of the blades was even added by his long forearms, giving him reach as an advantage.