Sasani: Love for Mother

In an attempt to look for Ned, Sasani circled the forest, and the crashed site three times per day. Digging was useless. They did dig but nothing left but rubbles and roots of the trees. It was empty of Ned.

It has been 2 days since Ned fell underground after a beast blasted the ground together with him.

"Lady Sasani," Twali said, still in a ripped black suit. "We need to leave. I will send someone to look for him."

"I can't," Sasani said in response to his butler's request. Her eyes were red on both dust and cry. Her ginger hair was clear under the rays of the sun. "We can't leave him, Twali."

Behind Twali was the Hallowguard team, with Hunter Jo leading them, both to find Ned and to secure the area of invading beasts. Luckily, the invaders were common wargs and goblins.

Molly and the Overseer Margaret took Ulysses back to the nearest Hunter's headquarters for treatment. That left them a lot of time to secure the place but with less rest.