Could it be Replicated?

Kuchiin the shoon reluctantly accepted the weird thing on Ned's hands. What kind of thing is that? Why is that so soft? That would be the words if his eyes could speak.

"It's food... " Ned said after seeing the shoon's confused face.

"Food?" He said in a voice filled with contempt. "Human food? I don't think so... But... "

He paused, the food was in his hand. "But it wouldn't hurt if I tried it. No?"

Tentacles under his chin waved aimlessly after he nodded to Ned.

Ned took the pistol. It was rather heavy for size this small. Ned clasped its grip, it was rough at hand, the feeling of the dried bark of a tree. Without asking for ICE, Ned assumed that the weight was around half a kilo. Ned raised the pistol, it was uncomfortable at hand as his eyes met the tip of the muzzle with a small indention.

"Now," he muttered. "How do you load this thing?"