Forming an Intent

Roy was enraged. For him, the flames burning his very flesh were a nightmare. But he couldn't stop it, he was full of hatred. Contrary to what he has been telling Ned. He couldn't stop, not until he got what he wanted. And that was Ned. And he has been showing it to Ned with a plan in mind. 

"What are you doing?" Ned said, demanding an answer after canceling Overclock. He stayed near the door's chamber. He doesn't want to fight. Not that he couldn't, but if he wanted to, it would be the end of either the two of them. 

Judging from Roy's Mana Leak, if Ned would compare him to someone else, he would be at the same level as Twali. But if Roy was just starting, then he could be powerful. 

From what Ned had been seeing, he could dodge Roy's blade waves with Overclocking on. But he couldn't use Overclock for a longer period. The only way for him to prolong the use of Overclocking was when he was sure that the fight would have a conclusion. And that was death.