The Advancing Team

Katolin Sak Kalakr'k was one of those aspiring arachnes that wanted to make their Queen proud.

Just like Hunters, Katolin hunts Kruthiks for their spikes and Core. Later on, these Kruthik parts will then be used to create new items and weapons.

Just like the one she was holding, a spear from the spikes of the Kruthiks. Unlike humans, beasts from the Hive were having a hard time looking for materials for their items. So Kruthiks were either a bane or boons for them. Without them, it would be difficult to maintain a force of a thousand without proper pieces of equipment.

It had been an hour after Katolin's team marched the tunnel.

Their captain, or as what Ned assumed, was a female Arachne with an extra layer of an exoskeleton. She rode a giant beetle with black scales, and sharp razor-like thorns wrapping its legs. She was then being followed by her team of beasts. From time to time, her black eyes darted Ned from behind.