Shut-in Caved-in

It was another tunnel. Ned and Katolin slid over a tight tunnel trying to get away from the massive beast.

Ned saw its claw-like spikes trying to reach for them from the breach caused by his fireball.

It was a split-second decision. Without the lights that were visible behind the cracked walls, Ned would force himself to fight the Evolved Kruthik.

Katolin was still half-conscious as they slid over the tunnel. As Katolin slid further away from Ned, he knew their fall would either kill them, if not, break their bones.

The last thing Ned heard from the desperate Kruthik was its shriek that was followed by a rumble of falling stones. Subsequently, closing the hole Ned made.

Ned and Katolin were like kids trying the first time a slide they couldn't fathom the depths of their fall.