A Good Idea

"What?" Ned was taken aback by Su'ayun's announcement to the group of 'servant' as what Master Claire declared to himself. "The two of you?"

"Surprised?" Su'aya nodded as she answered Ned while he drunk the last of her orange juice.

There were specific rules to the Hunter's Exam that never changed even with different people organizing the event.

One of which was "No Killing."

During Hunter's Exam, participants were prohibited to kill other participants. By doing so, the accused participant would undergo series of trials until judged by the organization. But most of the time, these accused participants would never reach the third trial since the Hunter's Exam was being watched by high ranking Hunters both on land, sea, and air. Aside from that, Observation Claims were also installed in every part of the exam venue.

The second was "No Outside Weapons Allowed."