The Plain, II

"Ain't gonna happen, not anymore." Ned tried to produce either of his swords, but to no avail, the rules Master Will—no, the Plain indicted to him was stopping him.

This is not a dream anymore if I die here, Ned thought and raised his hand to defend. He chose to be passive than to approach the three thugs.

"Correct, kid." Master Will stroke his beard and out of nowhere he produced a smoking pipe which was already lit. "You can only get out if I say so, or if your real body lost too much energy. After all, I need you alive. Now, entertain your Master, and show me the result of your training these past months."

Before, Ned was surprised to see his Master. Now that he somewhat grasped his current situation, Ned let go of the feeling and thoughts about his Master. The existence of the Plain was something Ned couldn't comprehend. He pondered if it was the creation of Rassus. But, Rassus wasn't that strong to alter his mind. Ned hissed from the thought.