Meeting Horn's Team Once Again

Glanrur Bofeft did his best. He escaped together with his party, but unaware that they were being trailed by a beast that bores underground. All it needed was a snap of its massive jaw to tore both muscles and bones from Glanrur's legs.

Still, Glanrur Bofeft did his best. This time to live life to his will. Unable to be of use to his fellow dwarves, he was (along with hundreds more of disabled dwarves), they left the Mountain until some of them landed in the region of Bogblot.

Here, in the capital of Bogblot, Bogmoor became his home. Glanrur became famous with his iron smithing, but what put him to the top, and eventually offered a job inside the Canton of Commerce, was his unique way of creating the Talismans of Truth.

His creation was so splendid that he was hired by many Major Houses to create a Talisman.