To Redeem

Ned was surprised to see a Werelion was already standing beside him, holding his wrist, and with his hands dampen of blood. He might have traveled for a long time that the blood was near to dry on his claws.

"As much as I like you to kill that puppet," the Werelion said. Under the dimming light of the light, his eyes were shining golden as he stares at Ned. "Unfortunately for both of us, I wouldn't let you do it, kid."

The Werelion was tall. He was taller than Ned by the double. Ned looked up at him, trying to assess who the beast was. There were marking under his fur, like calluses that Ned was able to observe even under the thick fur.

The two stared at each other. And for a moment, Ned could see how the lion smirked as though impressed looking at him.

"You're one of them," Ned said after he turned his gaze to the drying blood on the beast's wrist.