Elf: Prince Aesril, III

Edok has never been alive in his entire life. The hole in his stomach was healed as though it never happened. As if the alghoul's existence was a lie itself.

He was a hunter with average magical capabilities. Instead of hunting monsters or carrying out potential hunter quests to increase his rank, he instead took quests outside of the Hunter's Guild influence where beasts were almost non-existent. Or quests that did almost nothing but escort a group of merchants just so he could flash his hunter's card as if carrying a room of red dust was his only sacred job.

He knew red dust was Burner. And he knew the pay was lucrative for him to keep minding his own business.

So, smuggling red dust was his only job. Until Captain Creft invited a pair of innocent boys. Turns out, however, they could be everything but innocent.

Again, Edok was a hunter but never a warrior. He was incapacitated six more times until the horde of mindless beasts was completely obliterated.