Briefing, II

Ned's thought went back to the present. Did he hear them right? 

"You're saying I already passed the Exam?" Ned said, clearing his throat. This was not what he meant when he said to clear the exam faster unlike anyone else. He sat before the six diamond rank hunters unsure what to do, or what to say exactly. "B-but…" 

This could work to my advantage, Ned thought instead. Very much so. 

Ned stood and bowed to the line of hunters before him, being Anjenette in the middle, Enel to her right, and Brogan at the far edge of the table. The rest, Ned bowed to them one-by-one. Now, I can leave… he thought. 

"But you will not leave just yet," it was Brogan, and Ned frowned. "You will have to stay here at Castle White Rock for the duration of the Hunter Exam."

Ned did not ask why. Passing is passing, and Ned had to deal with what comes next.

"What about the others?" Ned asked instead.