No Leaving

For every flash and whistles of wind were screams and roars leaving the stage. 

Su'ayun was a dragon unleashed, or so, as what ICE had said. She was part dragon, and human, and Were. She was already a Were, but more of a human. For the dragon blood? Ned had to reconsider things about him. About his origin. 

It was certainly not from Rassus, Ned thought, brushing the tip of his eyes of sweat and blood. The next thing he heard was an antagonizing roar then the air went quiet—everything went quiet. 

Su'ayun appeared before Ned holding a pale piece of cloth, gray, almost white.

"Silk Road," Ned whispered looking up at the hovering women before her. 

"Take it, Ned," Su'ayun hissed through her pointed teeth. "We're leaving. Soon." 

She smiled, enjoying the blood frantically littering her scales, and flapped her wings to vanish before Ned and appeared on the cracks of the ceiling. The Silk Road underneath his feet, waiting to be handled.