Chapter 2: Prologue 1

Right, the actual beginning.

Sorry for the info dump, but when I first wrote this I felt it was needed. I'm not so certain of that now, but I am not going to back and change things.

If you have read Gamer-style stories before, most of this will feel like repetition and can be skimmed if you'd rather just get to the story.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a bed in a small room, the sounds of birds coming in through the window even as more of the strange blue text floating in my vision.

Welcome to your new identity.To help you with your new powers, we have prepared a short tutorial.Do you wish to complete the tutorial?Yes/No[You must verbalise or press the Yes option to accept]...

I grunted as I reached out and touched 'Yes' and the text changed.

Welcome to the Tutorial.Here we will explain the following items that were not covered in identity creation.1: Hit points, Experience, Stamina and Hunger2: Stats and their Limits3: Inventory usage4: The Force and Force Points5: Player Powers and Player Points6: Interface Controls7: Quests8: Future KnowledgeSelect the option you wish to view first by saying 'Tutorial' followed by the number'...

"Let's be logical and start with tutorial one." I said while rolling my eyes.

1: Hit points, Experience, Stamina and HungerWhen you concentrate and say the word 'STATS' a general listing of your identity will appear.Beyond the base stats that were explained during identity creation, there are a few others that appear.These are;Hit Points [HP]:This is a base 50 for Humans plus your Vitality*10Experience [XP]:To advance to the next level, you need a certain amount of XP.For levels 1-20, this is 1000XP more than the previous level.For levels 21-40 this is 2000XP more.For Levels 41-60 this is 3000XP more.Stamina [STAM]:Every physical action that you take requires stamina.Walking takes 1STAM/minute, jogging 3/minute, running 5/minute and sprinting 10/minuteOther actions take up stamina as well; swimming, jumping, weight lifting and so drain STAM as you go.Your Stamina is your current level*[Strength+Agility+Vitality]/2There are ways to improve your Stamina regeneration and lower activity drain, but they are for you to discover.It regenerates at 1%/minuteHunger [HUN]:This tracks your need to eat.It drains naturally at 5/hr.It will however, drain faster when you are physically exerting yourself.There are however, ways to slow your hunger loss down, but they are for you to discover.This is limited to 100.NOTE:For each point that Hunger drops below 20, you experience a temporary 1% drop in your Stats and all linked values until you restore your Hunger to 20 or above.~~~End of Part 1Do you wish to proceed to Part 2?Yes/No?...


2: Stats and their LimitsEvery species has biological hard limits for Strength, Agility and Vitality.However, there are ways to overcome such limits.Additionally, none of those three stats can be more than 10 over your current level.The same methods to pass hard limits also can allow you to pass these soft limits.Additionally, for each 1 point in a stat you are over your current level, you gain a 5% boost in skill XP generation for relevant skills, up to 50%.The opposite is also true.Currently, your penalties/boosts are;STR -5%AGI -5%VIT -5%INT +35%WIS +15%CHA +10%~~~End of Part 2Do you wish to proceed to Part 3?Yes/No?...

"Fine." I muttered, while wondering the quickest way to improve my physical stats. Though when the text didn't change I sighed loudly. "Oh, for the love of… Yes!"

3: Inventory usage.For every point of Strength grants 2 slots in your inventory.This is a pocket dimension that only you can use, and in which time does not pass; thus, nothing will degrade while stored there.It also allows you to store money without concern for weight or volume of Cred-chitsEach slot can hold an object of volume no more than 0.125m^3. [50x50x50cm]Currently you have 14 slots.~~~End of Part 3Do you wish to proceed to Part 4?Yes/No?...

"Yes." I sighed in mild annoyance.

4: The Force and Force PointsAs you have taken the Force Prodigy Perk during identity creation, you are now one of the few in the galaxy who are able to not only sense, but actively use the Force.Each level, you receive 500 Force Points.While you can consciously use the Force to improve your actions, many of the more advanced uses and concepts require instruction from a trained Force user.All Force powers follow the Novice to Prodigy ranging system and while expensive to first use, the cost of use decreases with training.Your Force Points regenerate at 1%/minute.NOTE:Not all possible Force powers are taught by the Jedi or the Sith; indeed, you may even be able to create your own in time.~~~End of Part 4Do you wish to proceed to Part 5?Yes/No?...

"Bloody hell! Yes!"

5: Player Powers and Player PointsDue to you winning the Multiversal Afterlife Lottery, you have been given the special title: Chosen.This title grants access to special powers that, to the corporeal mind, resemble being in a Game.Initial Player Powers provided are:Player's Mind MAXAllows the Player to calmly and logically think things through.Grants a peaceful state of mind.Grants immunity to physiological effects.Protects against compulsions and external controls.Does not prevent the Player from showing emotional responses, only dissipates them almost instantly afterwards.[NOTE: Will automatically turn on when the Player is in battle or HP falls below 25%]Player's Body MAXThe body experiences the stresses of the physical world as if it was a video game.[This means that you suffer no obvious damage when hit/shot/stabbed etc, but instead lose HP][You can however, still lose limbs if the attack severs them from your body.]Sleeping fully [8 hours under normal circumstance] restores HP and heals all temporary statuses effects.NOTE:If your HP reaches 0, for whatever reason, YOU WILL DIE.InventorySee Tutorial Stage 3.Player's PointsEvery level, you gain 2 more PP, which are used for Player Powers you have purchased.They regenerate at 10%/5minutes.You gain 1 Player Perk Point every 5 levels, which can be used to activate special abilities.To view the list of Player Powers that you can activate, you say 'Player Power Options'~~~End of Part 5Do you wish to proceed to Part 6?Yes/No?...

"Yes," I mumbled out in annoyance at having to keep vocalising my commands. I hoped the next section told me how to change that.

6: Interface ControlsWhile having this text appear in the middle of your vision is the default setting, we understand that this could be life threatening.[Something we learnt from the first ever winner of the Multiversal After life Lottery]As such, saying 'Interface Options' will take you to a screen where you can choose from various options.From here you can re-order your interface in a way you are more familiar with.To access your stats and skills, please examine the Interface Help in the options menu.~~~End of Part 6Do you wish to proceed to Part 7?Yes/No?...

"Yes." I was really hoping this would be over soon I could check my details. Hopefully, I would be able to do so once the tutorial was finished.

7: QuestsMost activities will be given as quests.While many will be pre-generated by the interface, if you set you mind to something, it will be turned into a quest.Quests have difficulty ratings which affect rewards and penalties.The more difficult the quest, the greater the reward and penalties.Any combat quest has a possible failure of death if things go totally wrong.~~~Quest Alert!PrologueThis is the introduction to get you to your chosen Era[Note, currently you aren't there.]Rating: BObjective:Survive and EscapeBonus: ?Bonus: ?Bonus: ?Rewards:3500XPPenalties:Capture by the SithPossible DeathAccept?Yes...

"Why the fuck is 'No' missing through?" I grumbled as I finished reading my first quest alert.

Certain quests cannot be ignored.These are plot quests, or quests where you have to follow the orders of another.~~~End of Part 7Do you wish to proceed to Part 8?Yes/No?...

"Yes," I grumbled at realising that if I screwed up the prologue, I could die or be captured by the Sith; and death seemed the more appealing option.

8: Future KnowledgeSince you are The Player, you have some knowledge of future events.However, you cannot come out and simply say what will happen as your very presence changes things.Every time you try to talk about what you know, you will be unable to do so directly.However, you may be able to discover a way to hint at what may happen, but that's up to you to discover.~~~Well Done!You actually read the tutorial!Here's 500XPGood luck! :D...

"Mother… Fine." I said with a growl, accepting the quest. "Right, Interface Options."

Welcome to the Player InterfaceFrom here you can control where and for how long various notices appear.Notice Options are:General noticesQuest Alerts/ Updates/ Completions or FailuresBasic StatsMini-mapCombat AlertsInterface HelpPlease select when, where and for how long each notice appears....

I spent the next while lying on the bed while I fiddled with the various options. Now all quest related notices would appear in the lower right of my vision; though only alerts and completions/failures would stay until read. The annoying random notices like skill level-ups, would also appear there, but then vanish after ten seconds.

Basic stats would only show during combat, as would the mini-map, though I found out it only showed areas I had already been to. Combat alerts would appear in my lower left with red and green for me losing/healing HP.

I had just closed the Options menu and was about to call up my details when a voice called out.

"Cameron? Are you up yet?" A male voice asked from somewhere out the door to the room.

"Um, yes." I called back hesitantly, wondering who was in the house/flat with me.

"Good. Breakfast will be on the table in five. Get down here."

I stood slowly, taking in the fact my body was now smaller and glanced at the mirror that hung over a table in the room. I saw that I was indeed younger; the wear and tear of 8 years in the military gone – along with the stubble I had been so fond of. My hair was cut short, though not like a crew-cut, and my eyes were the shade of amber-green I'd picked before.

"Guess this is for real," I muttered to myself as I searched around quickly for some clothes to slip into; going to breakfast in pyjamas was not something I felt comfortable doing anymore. Finding what looked like a chest of drawers beside the table, I pulled on what I thought was the handle, only for the drawer to slide open with a quiet hiss.

"Right, touch-sensitive drawers. Should've seen that coming," I mumbled as I pulled out clothes and quickly slipped them on before exiting the room. Seeing three more doors and a set of stairs heading down, I shrugged and jogged down the stairs, assuming the kitchen/dinning room was on the lower floor.

A waft of food caught my nose and helped me find the kitchen where an older man, probably in his sixties If I had to guess, was just sitting down at a table that had two plates of food on it.

"There you are. I swear since you started your school holiday, you've been getting up later and later." He said with a smile that reached his brown eyes.

"Well isn't that the point of the holidays?" I replied as I slowly sat, examining the food in front of me. "To laze about."

The man chuckled. "True enough. You've always been perceptive. Now hurry up. I need to make a few calls to some friends and you have homework to finish before we visit Coruscant next week."

"Yes Sir." I replied as I cautiously took a bite of what looked like eggs. 'I really wish the movies and cartoons had shown people eating.' I mentally commented, though thankfully, the eggs really were eggs.

"Is everything ok Cameron?" The man asked, and I looked up at him. His face was marred by a frown, but his eyes seemed to be looking for something in mine.

"Just a little off I guess." I replied slowly, and his frown grew as his mouth twisted.

"Yeah, I get that way this time of year too." He paused and looked out of a window. "Do, do you still get the dreams about that night?" He asked as he seemed to be thinking about something that happened before.

I recognized the look; one of sorrow and longing and realised that my new parents were missing. Had they died when I was younger?

"Um, no recently." I replied honestly, and he turned back to look at me with a weak smile.

"Good. That's good. Now eat up."

I put my head down and ate the rest of the food slowly, hoping that whatever the old man was hinting at would hint my unfamiliarity with much of the food in front of me.

As I finished the meal, which I was happy to find that it was generally quite nice – though eating blue meat might take some getting used to – I started to stand, only to wonder if I had to place the dish and glass in some kind of cleaner.

"Here, let me…" The man said as he started to stand only for his arm to rub against his glass.

We both watched as it began to tumble off the table and, working on instinct from my previous life, I reached out for the glass, though I knew it was too far away for me to have any chance to getting it before it broke on the floor.

"Holy…" my voice trailed off as the glass stopped falling and floated about halfway to the floor, my hand still stretched out towards it.

"By the Force!" The man exclaimed as he looked from the glass to me with wide eyes. "How? I was told she tested you and you failed!"

"What?" I asked as I moved my hand upwards and watched in shock as the glass followed my actions. 'Right. Force Prodigy. Forgot about that for a second. This is cool.' I felt a grin form on my face as I placed the glass on the table and saw that there was a new notice box in the lower right of my vision; clearly for whatever Force power I had just used.

'Wait, he said I'd been tested,' "What test?" I asked, and the man looked up from the glass, his eyes having returned to normal, but he gaze intensified.

"A Force Test." He replied, and I let my eyes open wider in apparent shock.

"You mean like to be a Jedi?" I asked. Sure, I already knew I could use the Force, but 'Cameron Shan' didn't.

The old man sighed and rub the bridge of his nose. "Yes, like a Jedi." He looked out of the window again before he continued. "Your mother, bless her heart, was a Jedi as were my own parents. But you were tested as a babe, but nothing showed up." He shook his head for a second before focusing on me. "Maybe it was just a fluke."

I frowned, knowing it wasn't a fluke and extended my hand again, this time lifting his plate. "I don't think so." I countered with a small smirk as his mouth fell open. I lowered the plate slowly and pulled back my hand as the man continued to stare at me.

Can I do this test again?" I asked, wondering how likely it was that was.

The man rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I promised your mother to keep you safe, and being a Jedi is not the safest of careers."

"Isn't it better that I learn to control this." I said, hoping to break through his reluctance.

A small box appeared in the lower left of my vision and I couldn't help but smirk as I read the small text.

Skill Usage: PersuasionChance = 30.5%~~~Success!...

I wondered if every skill use would be like that, and if there was to turn off that as it really made this whole thing feel like a game. I blinked at the new text that appeared in the middle of my vision.

Yes, you can turn those off.And again, no this is NOT A GAME!It's just the only way your feeble mind can handle these powers.

I grunted at the message from what I assumed was the people – beings? – that gave me this new life and did my best to not be offended at being called feeble-minded.

Good boy!Now go, enjoy your new life.And don't die too soon, I've got a millennium as a rabbit bet on your mating with ******

'Seriously? They're betting on who I sleep with?!' I shook my head as the message from whomever faded away.

"Cameron, did you hear me?"

I looked up and saw the man was watching me through narrowed eyes. "Um, sorry. I was just thinking how cool it would be to be a Jedi."

Skill Usage: DeceptionChance = 11%~~~Failure!...

He frowned, clearly having not bought my lie but thankfully he didn't push the matter. "Look, just put the dishes in the cleaning unit then go upstairs and start your homework." He said as he stood slowly. "I'll make a few calls and see about getting you retested."

"Ok." I said, trying and failing to keep a smile from my face as I stood, though it fell a little as I wondered where the cleaning unit was and what it looked like.

"Over there," the man pointed towards the sink. "Get your head out of the clouds or I won't make that call!"

I hustled over quickly to where he'd pointed, and seeing a small, slightly raised rectangle like the one on the drawer, I pressed it, and was rewarded with a door opening and what looked almost identical to a dishwasher was found.

After slipping the dishes and cutlery in, I headed upstairs, and fist pumped once safely in my room with the door closed.

"Yes!" I said, making sure to not shout like I wanted. "Right, time to look at my standing. Interface Help."

Welcome to Player Interface HelpHere you can learn how to use the interface to understand what skills, abilities and tricks you have.Select help menu you wish to peruse by saying Help followed by the appropriate number;1: Lists2: List explanations3: You and those around you4: Inventory and you5: Interface Controls...

"Um, help one."

1: ListsThe various lists you have and how to view them.To access any menu, simply say list followed by the appropriate word.Current lists available;Stats, Skills, Knowledge Skills, Perks, Force Powers, Player Powers, Titles, Quests...

"Seems easy enough. Help two." I said, figuring it was better to at least skim the manual before taking the new toy for a spin, having mentally taken a read of the lists available for once I was finished with the help menus.

2: List ExplanationsThis explains the basics of each list.Stats:These are the core values that define you.They are split between Strength, Agility and Vitality [Physical stats] and Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma [Mental stats].There is a final stat is called Luck.This is set to 0 for all Humans, though it can be raised through the spending of stat points or certain perks.Also listed with your stats are your Hit Points [HP], Force Points [FP], Player Points [PP], Stat Points [SP], Stamina [STAM], Hunger [HUN], Experience for the current level [XP], Title and Credits.Hit PointsThese are an indicator of how much damage you can take.When it reaches 0, YOU DIE!You get a base 50HP as Human plus a further 10 per level.Force PointsThese are the points that allow you to use the Force.You gain 500FP per level.These regenerate at 1% per minute.Player PointsThese are the points that allow you to use your unique abilities.You gain 2 PP per level.Additionally, you gain 1 Player Perk Point [PPP] every 5 levels.These regenerate at 10% every 5 minutes.Stat PointsThis is a list of how many spare stat points you have to spend on your stats.You gain 4+INT/15 SP per level.StaminaThis is your ability to move, run, jump, swim and do other physical activities.Your stamina is defined as level*(STR+VIT+AGI)/2.It regenerates at 1% per minute when resting.This can be boosted with perks or powers.HungerThis is a measure of how hungry you are.It drains naturally at 5/hr.However, doing any physical activity increases the rate of hunger decay.For each point that Hunger drops below 20, you experience 1% drop in your Stats and all linked values.If it reaches 0, you will lose consciousness and, if you are not revived within 4 hours, you will die.ExperienceThis is a key to how close you are to levelling-up.Levels 1-20 requires 1000XP more than the previous level.Levels 21-40 requires 2000XP more than the previous level.Levels 41-60 requires 3000XP more than the previous level.All levels over 60 require 5000XP more than the previous level.TitlesThis is whatever title(s) you are currently applying.You can apply 1 title as a base plus 1 extra for every 10 levels you gain.CreditsThis is your money.While it is all digital, you can store it in your inventory in a special slot.When you wish to withdraw some, you will be given credit chips that are as close in value to what you wish for, without being less....

'Well Damm! That's a lot to take in. Still, get through the help then check it out.' "Help three."

3: You and those around youHow you behave has relevance to the people, organizations and planets around you.Everything you do affects how others see you.While in most cases this is on a one-to-one level, some actions have planetary, or even galactic implications.Certain titles and perks can also affect how others see you.~~~ReputationThis is your standing with everyone, from those around you, to governments and corporations.Most people start at 0, though this not always the case.From there, your reputation with someone can go up or down, through the following levels;Despised -500 – -1000Hated -1 – -500Disliked 0 – 500Neutral 501 – 2000Liked 2001 – 5000Trusted 5001 – 10000Honoured 10001 – 20000Worshipped 20001+~~~FriendshipOnce your reputation is at Liked there is the chance that that person can become a friend.This will affect not only how they see you, but how their other friends and enemies do as well.Once someone is classed as a friend, then any change to Reputation affects your friendship, though by only half the Reputation change.Levels of friendship are as follows;Acquaintance 0 – 1000Friend 1001 – 5000Confidant 5000 – 10000[Locked until Reputation is Trusted or higher and passing a test of friendship]Follower 10000+[Locked until Reputation is Confidant or higher and passing 3 tests of friendship]~~~[This section is locked due to your age]...

"Well ok. That's something to worry about later on. Help 4."

4: Inventory and youYour special storage space and other attached facts.Your inventory is a special pocket dimension where you can store almost anything safely for an indefinite amount of time [Space permitting]This screen also lists vital stats and clothing/armour components.Certain clothing can grant damage reduction or outright protection from the various forms of damage you could encounter in this galaxy.Your total inventory space is defined as twice your strength....

"Huh. I'll check that out later I guess, but this is really feeling like a game, even though they say it isn't."

We will remind you of this the first time you get shot or stabbed.

"Har-har." I muttered at the cheek being shown by whomever was watching/helping me. "I could look at the interface controls, but I suspect that's just be a full repeat of what was said before, so let's have a look at myself. List Stats."

Cameron ShanSpecies: HumanTitle: The PlayerLevel 8HP: 120/120FP: 3350/4000PP: 16/16XP [500/8000]STAM [80/80]Hunger [0/100]STR: 7 +VIT: 7 +AGI: 7 +INT: 15 +WIS: 11 +CHA: 10 +Luck: 0 + [+10]SP: 1PP: 0Credits: 0


"Geez, those Force points are high. Though seeing how far its fallen after using a power twice, I'm guessing that Force powers are hard to use, though I'll find out for sure once I read through them. First however, List Skills."

SKILLSThis is a listing of all skills you have, not all the skills you COULD have.Each skill has a corresponding stat that affects how quickly you can improve that skill.For future reference, you can call up skills for each stat by saying 'List [STAT] skills'.Note:Certain skills, such as school and combat skills, have six ranks; Novice, Adept, Professional, Master, Savant, Prodigy.Each rank has 100 levels.These skills have set EXP levels of 100 for Novice, 200 Adept, 300 for Professional, 500 for Master and 700 for Savant and 1000 for Prodigy.These skills will have the name of the current level beside the numerical level value.Other skills can go up to 100[though not all] but have increases of 25EXP per level.You will Get a bonus general stat point for 1500 levels.Each level-up, you gain INT*2 skill points to spend as you see fit.Currently you have 70 SP left to spend.~~~Any skill that has a [F] next to it can be boosted by the Force, though only once you have the appropriate training.STRENGTH SKILLSLightsaber[1-handed]10+ NoviceHand to Hand [F]25+ ProfessionalMelee Weapons [2-handed]1+ AdeptAGILITY SKILLSMelee Weapons[1-handed] [F]3+ ProfessionalMelee Weapons [Thrown]15+ AdeptMarksmanship [F]97+ AdeptRanged Weapons [1-handed] [F]5+ ProfessionalRanged Weapons [2-handed] [F]40+ ProfessionalRanged Weapons [Heavy] [F]2+ AdeptPiloting [Atmospheric] [F]5+ NovicePiloting [Space] [F]5+ NoviceRiding [4-legged] [F]7Stealth [F]65+ AdeptSleight of Hand [F]45+ NoviceLockpicking [F]15+ NoviceCleaning20+Cooking10+Musical Instrument [Guitar]15+VITALITY SKILLSAthletics [F]10+Swimming [F]10+INTELLIGENCE SKILLSAstrogation10+ NoviceComputing [Slicing]20+ NoviceComputing [Programming]10+ NoviceEconomics11+ AdeptMechanics [Engines]10+ NoviceMechanics [Speeders]10+ NoviceMechanics [Fighters]10+ NoviceMechanics [Starships]10+ NoviceMedicine [First Aid]35+ AdeptAnatomy [Human]15+ AdeptForensics67+ NoviceLANGUAGESThere are an inordinate number of languages you can learn.Reading/writing speed is (Adept50-current)/2 slower OR (current level-Professional1)/4 fasterLanguage [Basic]85+ AdeptLanguage [German]12+ AdeptINTELLIGENCE/WISDOM SKILLSThese rare skills can use both INT or WIS stats at different times.For battle-planning INT is used but for adapting on the go, WIS is used.Warfare [Ground]44+ ProfessionalWarfare [Space]10+ NoviceWISDOM SKILLSConcentration [F]100Composure [F]34+Danger Sense [F]21+CHARISMA SKILLSNOTE: All Charisma skills are boosted by luck, when you have any, both positively and negatively.Deception [F]15+Lie Detection [F]10+Meditation [F]50+Perception [F]50+Survival [F]74+ AdeptPersuasion [F]1+ AdeptIntimidation/Taunting [F]10+Singing [F]6+Negotiating [F]4+...

"Bloody hell, that's a long list." I muttered, making a mental note to look at the skills via stats in future. Though I did chuckle at the idea that I could speak a language that no-one here had ever heard before. I figured when I kept my limited German might come in handy for codes, and now just the idea of someone like Yoda or Vader trying to speak it had me laughing.

"Right, moving on. List Knowledge Skills."

I whistled at the list that appeared, noting that much of it was based on what I knew from the movies and cartoons even as I noticed that all knowledge skills would suffer degradation as time passed; which while making sense was probably going to be annoying when it came time to re-learn about various military and political leaders and how governments and companies worked.

"List Perks."

PERKSThese are earned by spending perk points [which you earn at a rate of 1PP per 4 levels].Perks have requirements in PP, stat and level values that must be met before they become available for selection.Currently you have the following perks:Force ProdigyYou are Force-sensitive, allowing you to call on The Force and learn to draw on its powers.Your connection to the Force is immense and marks you out as potentially one of the most powerful Force users of your time.Grants 500 Force Points (FP) per level.[Can only be selected on identity creation]Boosts luck by 10Photographic MemoryLowers Knowledge skills degradation by 75%Grants a 9/10 chance to remember something you read in the last 5 years[7/10 in 10yrs, 5/10 in 20yrs]EmpathyYou can detect the emotions of people around you who don't manage to shield them.Can increase your odds with certain skills.Especially useful when combined with the ******* Player Power.AmbidextrousCan use both hands for tools and weapons.Halves accuracy penalties for using your off hand in combat....

"Yup, photographic memory will be useful to counter knowledge loss, though I wish I knew what the hidden player power that synced with Empathy was; or how exactly it helped my odds." I said with a slight frown. "List Force Powers."

FORCE POWERSThese are the powers you have learned or discovered that use the Force to work.Many of the more advanced powers require training from a master Force user to learn.You may discover many on your own by simple trial and error, however this is frowned upon by of the groups around the galaxy that can use the Force since control is needed to truly use the Force.As to what the Force is, well it simply is.It's neither good nor evil [which in most cases are open to interpretation] but emotions of all kinds do influence what you can do with the Force.Importantly, the better you get a using a power, the easier it is to use.Currently you have the following Force Powers:Push/Pull1 NoviceThe ability to push, pull and levitate objects or block objects in motion so long as their mass is within your power range.At higher levels this can grant the ability to lift multiple objects at once and even self-levitation.Can currently lift 1 object up to 10kg in mass.Costs 500FP +5FP/second...

"Well that's the power I expected but that cost is high. Hmm, didn't it say earlier that it gets easier to use Force Powers with training. Maybe that means the cost decreases as I get better at using it." I thought with a smirk. "Once I finish checking out everything I'll have to keep using it and see. List Player Powers." I was curious as to what exactly I would learn here as this seemed the more reality-breaking part of my new life.

PLAYER POWERSThese are powers and skills that are unique to The Player.However, some of them are very close to what many consider to be 'Dark-Side Force powers' so be careful when using them around 'Light-side Force users'You gain 1 Player Power Point every 5 levels to spend on new powers.Currently you have the following Player Powers:Player's Mind [ON/OFF] MAXAllows the Player to calmly and logically think things through.Allows a peaceful state of mind.Grants immunity to physiological effects.Protects against compulsions and external controls.Does not prevent the Player from showing emotional responses, only dissipates them instantly afterwards.[NOTE: Will automatically turn on when the Player is in battle or HP falls below 25%]Player's Body MAXThe body experiences the stresses of the physical world as if it was a video game.[This means that you suffer no obvious damage when hit/shot/stabbed etc, but instead lose HPs][You can however, still lose limbs if the attack severs from your body.]Sleeping fully [8 hours under normal circumstance] restores HP and heals all temporary statuses effects.NOTE:If your HP reaches 0, for whatever reason, YOU WILL DIE.InventoryFor every point of Strength grants 2 slots in your inventory.This is a pocket dimension that only you can use, and in which time does not pass; thus, nothing will degrade while stored there.It also allows you to store money without concern for weight or limits of Cred-chitsEach slot can hold an object of volume no more than 0.125m^3. [50x50x50cm]Currently you have 14 slots.NOTE:Currently you have 1 PPP.Do you wish to view available Player Powers?Yes/No...

"Yes." I replied excitedly.

Warning:No new Player Powers available at this time.Please check back at a higher level....

"Assholes!" I shouted at the text, feeling like I'd just been pranked by whomever was behind giving me these abilities. I was angry as the text disappeared and I pounded the desk.

I frowned as I looked at my hand and saw no bruising and realised this was Player's Body in action. Clearly, I didn't get hurt or feel pain the same as most people would, though I quickly realised that this meant I would have to be careful about getting wounded in case someone began to realise I was different to everyone else.

Hey! That's pretty smart!For working out a flaw in the system, have +1 WIS.Also, look at your notice boxes!

I glared at the floating text from the 'Powers that Be' that were watching me but did as it suggested.

Skill Created!Damage Resistance [Physical] [F]1 NoviceEach level grants 0.1% reduction in physical damage taken.Currently 0.1% reduction....

I chuckled at the insanity of the fact I gained a new skill for punching a desk, though I quickly wondered if I could gain damage reduction skills against other forms of damage; like say a blaster or lightsaber.

I noticed that the combat log showed me taking 8HP of damage from striking the desk but ignored it and moved back to the lists.

"List Titles."

TitlesThese are special add-ons to your identity that can help you in certain situations.You gain titles as you compete quests, grow up, and generally be a badass.[Though if you wanted to live a quiet life and gain no titles, that is your choice]Currently you have the following titles:The PlayerGrants access to special powers that, to the corporeal mind, resemble being in a game.Leader2/10Can command up to 4 others in a group.Each member gets 5% bonus to their skills.1XP gained for each successful command given to the group.2XP for each successful action that obeys an order/ hits a target.5XP for each 'kill' by the group/ project completed....

I frowned at that. I'd been squad leader with 2-2 for the last three years. I really should have a better level for my only title. The frown broke as I realised that it, and probably many of my skills, had been toned down as I was now eight instead of twenty-eight. That made sense as not many people would be willing to obey an eight-year-old in battle, nor would the muscle memory of combat transfer. The knowledge would, but I'd have to work on teaching this new body how to react.

Hey! You're Getting it!You're really starting to figure out this power.Have +1 INT~~~And this will be the last free stat point you get!

I glared at the floating text. Sure, the extra point in intelligence was nice, but the cheek I was getting was irritating. I took a few deep breaths and decided there was nothing I could do about it now – or probably ever – so I moved on.

"List Quests."

QUESTSThese are the story chains that will help push and shape your new life.Quests come in various forms, from repeatable simple ones, to long, multi-part campaigns.Most of your activities will be setup as quests, however, you are free to decline most quests.You can also create you own quests if you are willing to push yourself beyond what would be considered easy/safe.All quests are rated from F to S*** for difficulty, with anything rated B or over running the risk of bodily harm, if not death.Current quests are:PrologueThis is the introduction to get you to your chosen Era[Note, currently you aren't there.]Rating: BObjective:Survive and EscapeBonus: ?Bonus: ?Bonus: ?Rewards:3500XPPenalties:Capture by the SithPossible Death...

I grunted as I read the quest again, wondering just what kind of prologue quest ran the risk of death.

Sure, this wasn't a game, but I had to wonder if this was altogether fair.

Whomever said a corporeal life was fair?Grow a spine and get on with things!

I glared at the latest message from the PtB as I wondered if they had it in for me.

I continued to glare at the message as it faded away, and with a shake of my head looked around the room.

"I was told to do my homework, but I'd rather practice using the Force. Hmm, List Force Powers."

I read through the description again and smirked. "So 500FP to activate then 5FP a second to hold it, and my FP regenerates at 1% a minute which is… 40! Sweet! So I lose 260FP a minute if I keep it on constantly and I currently have… Lists stats." The list changed. FP is currently at 3750, so that's 3250 divided by 260… about 13 minutes. Right then."

I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the pillow. "That'll do." I muttered and pointed my hand at it, smiling when it floated up into the air. "Yes!"

While the pillow was floating, I figured I should get going on my 'homework'; silently praying that I didn't have to spend skill points to finish it.

I scanned the room for books but frowned at not finding anything save what looked like a cross between an iPad and a game console.

"Right, everything here is computerised," I remarked as I picked it up. "Though I wished I knew how to use this."

I turned the pad over in my free hand slowly, checking it carefully before looking at the front.

There was a large button at the base, under the screen and working on a hunch, I pressed that and smiled as the screen came to life.

Thankfully, the thing was setup very much like an iPad, so it was easy to find the homework assignments and I mentally sighed in relief in seeing that the history and electronic ones were completed; leaving me math and science.

"Here's hoping I remember this stuff." I muttered as I opened the maths homework with a touch.

To be clear, Cameron is starting in ~3950BBY with his grandfather, Vaner Shan.

By the end of the Prologue, he will arrive in the Rise of the Empire Era.

This is the unique start due to taking Shan as a family name.

Sorry if this confused any readers.