Chapter 4: Prologue 3

Since some readers are getting confused about the timeline and may have missed the note at the end of the last chapter;

Cameron is starting in ~3950BBY with his grandfather, Vaner Shan.

By the end of the Prologue, he will arrive in the Rise of the Empire Era.

This is the unique start due to taking Shan as a family name.

"How much longer is this Prologue going to take?" I asked with a sigh as I walked back into my room on my sixth morning here.

I knew that this wasn't a game, or at least I was trying to not treat it as one, but I was starting to go bored just sitting in my room day and night just grinding. Yes, the whole not needing to sleep thing was starting to get to me. I mean, I get that with my new power I didn't need to, but to hell with grinding, I wanted to sleep and was going to, quest be dammed.

Sure, I'd gotten Heal and Trance to at least 15 Novice – Trance was at 20 Master which granted 110% bonus to regeneration, on top of meditation's bonus – and Breath Control was almost there as well, but I was getting seriously bored.

I'd have the same Force Vision 4 more times, which had been enough to level up Vision once. Sadly, the glimpse of the future was no clearer or obvious in meaning, though I had reached the conclusion it had something to do with how the Prologue quest was going to end.

With a sigh, I figured it was time to start levelling up TK now that Heal was high enough to meet the quest requirements and I began to fly a pillow around the room.

I'd only been at that for maybe 10 minutes when there was a knock at the door.

"Cameron, can you come downstairs. There's someone here to meet you."

I frowned for a moment before I realised who it probably was. While my grandfather hadn't mentioned if Bastila had called him back, I assumed she had and that the newcomer was a Jedi to check my Force connection; hopefully without that silly blood-test thingy from The Phantom Menace.

I walked out of the room slowly, trying to contain my excitement, though I paused as I reached the bottom of the stairs as I got a new notice box.

Opening it, I discovered I had a new Force Power; Detection, which detected living beings with in a 10meter range.

I opened the mini-map and saw three blue dots in the living room to my left, one of which had my grandfather's name attached to it in very small text.

'That might get awkward if I'm at the Jedi Temple or in a major battle. I'll have to look later to see if I can turn off the names from the options.' I considered as I entered the living room and saw my grandfather talking with two brown-robed individuals. The taller of the two was a green skinned Twi'lek; and knowing that generated another blue box, though I ignored it for now.

"There you are," Vaner said with a slight smile. "Cameron, this is Jedi Master Tardon Komad, and his padawan, Haqu. They were sent by your Great-Grandmother to see if you are suitable for training with the Jedi."

"Hello," I said taking in the sight of my first real aliens and trying very hard to not freak out about it. Tardon was as tall as my grandfather and his head-tails – I didn't know what they were called – were wrapped around his neck. The padawan was of the same species as Darth Maul, yet his skin was a light brown. He looked to be about 15-18 in age.

"Yes, I can see the resemblance to Ressa," Tardon commented as he looked at me. "I was her master when she was a padawan." He stepped forward and knelt in front of me. "Now, let us see."

He closed his eyes and I felt a brief tingle in my mind and at the end of my fingers.

"Well, he his definitely strong in the Force, that much is certain. But the records show he wasn't. A conundrum." He said as he stood and rubbed his chin.

"Why would that be master?" Haqu asked, his eyes glancing to his master as he spoke.

I had pondered that myself over the last few days and had a suspicion. "Maybe my mother wanted me to grow up away from Coruscant and the Jedi. Given to my family name, I think I'd gather a lot of attention."

"Yes, that is possible. Ressa was not one who enjoyed the way people looked at her once her family name was revealed." Tardon replied. "Perhaps it also has something to do with your father. Do you know whom that was?"

Vaner shook his head. "Ressa never told me and Emess never mentioned anything about it to me when she came home with Cameron." He paused and looked over at picture that was of him and a woman when he was younger, one I knew was my grandmother who'd died a few years ago.

I frowned. More than likely my dad was just someone my mother had gotten close to during a mission and gotten pregnant, but not knowing was a little disconcerting.

"Still, we need to carry out a few more test to be sure if he is suitable to join the Younglings at one of the training centres." Tardon stated slowly. "With your permission Chancellor, I'd like to try and teach him a few basic Force abilities."

"Just Vaner is fine Master Jedi," Vaner replied with a small frown that made me wonder if he regretted something about being the Chancellor. "And go ahead. Cameron has done nothing but meditate on Bastila's words these last few days."

I managed to avoid smirking at my grandfather thinking I'd just been meditating in my room instead of grinding my skills.

"Indeed. Well, that is a good start." Tardon paused and looked around the room. "Hmm, perhaps we should move outside. Younglings have a tendency to lack control when learning new skills."

I followed the two Jedi outside, wondering just what they would try to teach me, and how long this would take.

"Well done Cameron." Tardon said with a large smile that exposed his sharp, razor teeth. "It is quite astonishing how easily you are able to pick up new skills." He continued, and I couldn't help but smile at the praise.

In the last several hours, between all the talking about what the Jedi stand for, I had gained seven new Force powers and while some seemed less than useful, I had created another quest while doing so, and was half way to finishing it. I had to gain 10 new Force powers before reaching a Jedi training centre for 300XP while failing would only cost me 100XP.

The only downside of this learning was that my FP became depleted and that meant another bout of meditation; something I was becoming truly sick of doing.

"Thank you, sir." I replied, not willing or truthful comfortable with calling someone master. Blame it on the connotations of the word and too much Doctor Who growing up.

"Master," I turned with Tardon as his padawan approached from where their small ship was parked. "The ship's scanners have detected another ship on an approach vector."

"Hmm, was your grandfather expecting visitors?"

"No that I know of." Though given I'd spent the last few days basically locked in my room by choice I wouldn't know.

"Hmm. Perhaps it would be best if we returned to the house and awaited these…"

I stopped paying attention to the Twi'lek Jedi when a white notice appeared in the centre of my vision.


I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand at the simple warning as I realised it was a message from the Force thanks to now learning Precognition.

"We need to go!" I blurted out, already backing off towards the house even as I glanced up at the sky. There was noting to see but the message changed.


I pulled on Tardon's sleeve. "We need to move!" I said with as much emotion as I could, hoping my very real fear would convince him.

"I dou…" whatever he was going to say was cut-off by a string of red light beams that struck the Jedi's ship, destroying it and throwing me and Tardon backwards towards the house.

I grunted as I rolled onto my side and stared at where the ship had been. Now it was nothing but a burning and smocking pile of remains. I shook my head to clear it and saw that the interface had changed; my mini-map and key stats were now on, as was Player's mind. All of that told me I was now in combat and I looked up as a shadow fell over the ship remains to see another ship, one that looked slightly larger than the former Jedi ship, descending rapidly.

"Get inside." Tardon said, and I turned to look at him. His face was marred by what I assumed was blood, though it was blue in colour. Otherwise he looked fine and I turned back to the remains of his ship as I realised that Haqu had been between us and the ship when it exploded.

"Haqu?" I asked slowly as I stood, noting the new ship was going to land behind the remains of the Jedi's one.

"Dead." Tardon stated softly before he held out a hand and summoned the padawan's lightsaber. "Here, I sense the presence of the dark side on that ship. I hope you will not need it, but it is better to be prepared."

I took the lightsaber slowly, turning it over in my hands.

"Move." Tardon ordered.


Attempt at Compulsion!

Overwritten due to Player's Mind.

I waved away the warning, that while not appearing in the centre of my vision, was still easy to read as it appeared in my combat log and ran back into the house to find my grandfather approaching, two guns in hand.

"What's happening?"

"We're under attack." I reply as I slide the lightsaber into my pocket in case he tries to take it from me. I really wish I could drop it in my inventory, but having it disappear in plain-sight would raise a lot of questions I'd rather avoid if possible. "Haqu is dead and their ship is destroyed. Another is landing behind it and Tardon says there are Sith on board."

Vaner's face went white for a moment before he thrust one of the blasters to me. "Take it." He commanded, and I did so.

I turned it over in my hands slowly. While the thing was very different from a pistol from my former life, the principles were still the same and I felt more comfortable with a gun than a lightsaber; though if I survived this I hoped to change that.

Vaner moved me behind the table he had overturned, one I saw was made of metal, and moved to the window to glance outside.

"Sithspit!" He spat out. "There's two of them and a handful of thugs."

I closed my eyes and reach out of with Force Detection, but the attackers were not close enough for me to sense yet as all I felt was my grandfather and Tardon.

"Kriff! The thugs are moving this way." Vaner stated not long after my attempt to detect the Sith and I realised that I'd given away my position by doing so. "Keep your head down." He added as he took aim with his pistol and fired off a few shots.

The return fire was not as quick in coming as I would've expected if I was in my old life, but what came forced Vaner to duck down low.

Glasses exploded, pots and pans clanged, and cupboard doors creaked under the fire that was coming in and I knew that we couldn't stay in the kitchen.

"We need to move," I called out. "If they've got half a brain between them some will keep firing while the others flank us."

"What?" Vaner shouted back over the incoming shots that I noted where lessening but still sustained. I looked at my grandfather and his shock at my statement was clear to see.

"I've read a few book on battles. They'll try to pin us down here while circling around to attack from behind." I lied/explained. "If we stay here we'll die."

Vaner tried to glance out of the window, but the incoming fire stopped him, and he sighed. "Fine, but where should we go?"

I thought for a moment as I considered the layout of the house. "They'll try to come in through a window if one is open, or the front door if not. Regardless they'd need to pass through the hall to get here so we should move up the stairs. It gives us an advantage and we can slip out of one of the upstairs windows to try and help Tardon."

Vaner nodded along slowly. "Very well, however you are not to engage the Sith. You're not match for them."

I nodded in agreement, remembering that failure here would mean capture by them or death; neither of which was an appealing option.

Vaner sent a few random shots out of the window, not that I expected him to him anything, to hopefully convince the attackers we were staying still, then we moved quickly but quietly up the stairs, checking the rooms we passed to ensure there was no-one there yet.

Once we reached the top of the stairs, Vaner ushered me into me room.

"Stay in here. Don't come out unless I tell you."


"No buts." His tone was firm. "Stay here." He paused and sighed. "I can't lose you too."

I opened my mouth to retort, only to stop and nod in acceptance. This man had lost his wife, one of his children had died and the other was somewhere in the galaxy as a Jedi.

I knew that I would be leaving here soon, but if I could do so without hurting him, I would try. Though I was also already planning how to get out of the window.

He gave me a small smile and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Whatever happens, I love you."

He turned to leave, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. Player's Mind was clearly controlling my emotions, but I still didn't want him to die. "May the Force be with you."

I felt a shiver go up my spine at finally saying those words and his smile grew as he replied.

"And with you."

He turned without a further word and left, closing the room as he did.

I dropped the lightsaber into my inventory – figuring I was less likely to lose it there than in my pocket – and looked around the room. With a quick wave of my hand, I moved the desk behind the door, then dragged the bed – as its weight was too heavily to fully lift – behind that before I walked over to the window.

I was relieved that it was big enough for me to leave through, and that it faced away from where the ships and the Sith were.

I opened it slowly, keeping down in case the other attackers could see then risked a glance outside.

There was no sign of anyone but also, there was no ledge and if I leapt it would be straight drop to the ground.

Blaster fire from outside the room told Vaner had engaged the attackers and I knew I needed to go.

Moving slowly, until I was sitting, legs out on the ledge, I turned at the sound of someone banging at the door.

"Get out here you little brat!" Someone shouted, and I frowned as I realised that Vaner was either dead or dying outside. "Open this door or the old man is dead!"

"RUN CAM…" Vaner was cut off by the sound of a blaster and I growled. Part of me wanted to stay and kill these bastards, but I knew that it was a risk I should avoid. The further I got from them and the Sith the more likely I was to survive and complete the prologue quest.

As an idea formed, I looked upwards and smirked at seeing the edge of the roof was close enough that if I stood I should be able to grab it and pull myself up and I managed to reach the roof just as there was an explosion from my room and I shimmed backwards until everything but my head was away from the edge. Carefully I took the blaster and aimed just past the window then waited quietly.

"Where's the brat gone?"

"Rand check the cupboard and under the bed. Sansk, the window."

I smirked at the voices and waited patiently until a green head popped out of the window; its eyes scanning the ground below.

"Nothi…" was as far as he got as I pressed the trigger and blasted a hole through his head, making his body slump over the ledge before sliding back into the room. Even as the body slumped to the floor, I moved backwards until I was

"Kriff! Sansk's gone!"

"I can see that you idiot! Move slowly, either there's someone else out there or the kid's more dangerous than we were told."

"First Gran, now Sansk. This mission is going to druk."

"Keep it up and you'll be next."

I had to shake my head that the back and forth between the two people in my room. Clearly, they were not soldiers and I was learning a few new, what I assumed were, swear words.

"I've got nothing." Rand said quietly, though given I was so close I heard him clearly.

"Same here. He must be directly below us or have gone."

"The Sith'll kill us if we lose him."

"If we're lucky they'll kill us." The leader, and the one who's name I didn't know said, telling me they worked for the Sith. Probably pirates or thugs hired for this mission as expendable cannon fodder. "I've heard tales about what they do to those that fail them." There was a long pause before he spoke again. "Still, two less bodies means more loot for us."

Rand chuckled. "Guess it does. So what do we do now?"

"We follow the boy. You jump first, and I'll cover you."

"Wha… Fine." Rand grumbled and I shimmied back a little bit in case he decided to look up before he jumped.

While the two had been talking I'd glanced around, hoping that there was a way for me to go, but discovered that the house was isolated in a valley.

There was another house further away, maybe 5 klicks or so, but the ground between here and there offered no cover and I couldn't see any garage for a speeder.

There was grunt from Rand as he struggled to get through the window and I pondered that my only option might be to steal their ship, though given to my lack of understanding in how to pilot a starship, let alone plot a journey to another planet, I was not keen on the idea.

Sure, I could spend some of my backup skill points in the hope I'd miraculously learn how to fly, but it was not the most comforting Plan A.

"I'm down. Come on."

That left Plan B, which was to simply stun or kill every one of the attackers; and while there was a chance I could do that with the remaining thugs, the two Sith would probably take me down with ease.

The sound of a second thump told me the leader of these two had landed and I crawled forwards slowly. They were now too far from me to make out what they were saying but I saw one of them pull out a small device from his belt and talk into it.

Working on the assumption that he was calling the ones who were either still attacking the kitchen or now probably trying to help the Sith, I waited until he finished as I slowly aimed by pistol.

As he slipped the communicator back into his belt a fired; catching him on the top of his head and sending bits of brain flying, including onto the other.

I quickly shifted my aim and fired at the remaining thug, and though it took three shots to get him – and the rush of heat as he managed to get a snap shot off in my direction – he joined his friends.

I smiled a little at managing to take down the trio my I was forced from my relief as 2 more thugs came around the corner, firing on my location.

I moved back quickly, but in my haste, I slipped and began to roll down the roof, bouncing of a lower roof then crashing hard to the ground.

"Fuck," I groaned as I moved to kneel and saw that I'd lost just over a third of my hit-points.

Looking around, I saw that I'd landed near the kitchen and spotted three bodies lying on the ground.

I groaned when I realised one was Tardon and moved over quickly to where he lay hoping that he wasn't dead, though the pool of blueish liquid I saw didn't fill me with confidence.

As I placed a hand on his body, a new popup appeared.

ID: Tardon Komad [Jedi]

Status: Dead

Do you wish to loot the body?


I stared at the pop-up in shock for a moment before mumbling out a 'yes'.

Lightsaber Collected!

A green-bladed lightsaber that formerly belonged to the Jedi Master Tardon Komad.

Jedi Commlink Collected!

A commlink used by the Jedi to communicate with others.

Capable of Hypercomm access but need access to a transceiver to do so.

Jedi Robes Collected!

The robes formerly worn by Jedi Master Tardon Komad.

Provides minimal protection from damage.

[Currently cannot be equipped due to size difference]

Jedi Holocron Collected!

The personal holocron of former Jedi Master Tardon Komad.

Can only be accessed by a Force-user with the correct passphrase.

[passphrase: Peace through training]

246 Credits added!

I reeled back in shock at finding the Twi'lek Jedi now in nothing but his undergarments – and was instantly glad that the male had worn trousers and a shirt under his robes – even as I processed that I could loot bodies instantly for equipment. It felt wrong to take this stuff, but I figured I could given the lightsaber and holocron to the Jedi later on, though I did plan to keep the credits and commlink.

Glancing around to make sure that I was still alone, I scurried over to the other two bodies and repeated the process, gaining a Sith lightsaber, a blaster rifle and spare power cell, vibroblade, two stim-packs that would restore health, and a further 823 Credits.

As I finished looting the Sith's body, I glanced back at the house and saw movement, forcing me to lay down flat against the ground and begin to shimmy slowly backwards, taking me away from the house.

I'd managed to move a few meters away when the door to the kitchen opened and a Human man walked out slowly, his gun tracking with his head.

"Bugger," I mumbled at seeing the man was on edge, though given a boy of 8 had killed three of his cohorts, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.

I watched as he focused on Tardon and began to walk forward slowly as I cursed myself for looting the body with my powers, and thus, removing the Jedi's robes.

I glanced behind me and saw I was almost next to the smouldering remains of the Jedi ship, and figured if I could get behind it I had a fair chance to go with Plan A and attempt to steal the attacker's ship and escape.

He called back into the house as he moved, and I raised my blaster, slowly taking aim in the hopes I could take him out before the other thugs of the remaining Sith appeared, even as I continued to slowly move backwards while staying as low to the ground as I could.

I felt the air heat up, meaning I was close to the Jedi ship, when a second person came out of the house. This one, while a head shorted than the first was walking casually with her lightsaber lit and a cursed silently as the Sith glanced at each of the bodies before looking my direction.

"Bollocks," I mumbled as I saw his eyes lock on mine and I took a snap shot at the human thug before turning and running for the Sith ship.

I run up the ramp and look around desperately for the door controls, silently wishing I had applied my spare skill points to Mechanics or Piloting, as I punched at the first thing that looked at controls, only for a cupboard to open exposing a hover-bike.

I nearly fist pumped as the third set of dials I pressed began to close the ramp and I moved out of the small entrance area, hitting the controls on the other side of the door to close those before blasting them, hoping it would have the same effect for me as it did for Luke in A New Hope.

I turned and moved down the corridor until it opened onto a large, central room and I glanced around. I took a moment to try to orientate myself with where I expected the bridge to be and moved in that direction, quickly being rewarded with the sight of three seats, controls and a glass canopy.

"Great. Now to figure out how to launch the ship." I muttered as I slipped into on of the front two seats and examined the controls, being thankful that some of the controls were labelled.

After calling up my skills and dumping all my remaining points into a handful of skills that should help me pilot the ship, I pressed what I now knew was the engine start switch. Yes, dumping points into skills somehow instantly gave me knowledge, but I wasn't caring about how such a thing worked as I slowly increased the power to lift the ship off the ground.

I instinctively ducked as blaster shots began to pepper the canopy, though I quickly noted that none were even scratching the glass – or whatever it was – and ignored the fire as the ship began to lift and turn.

As the onboard computer began what I noted was an automated take-off sequence, the ship tilted back until all I could see was the sky, I let out a breath of relief at getting away.


Force Choke detected!

I found myself ignoring the warning that appeared as my hands went to my throat as it felt like someone was crushing it with a truck.

"Not bad boy, but you're out of your league." Crackled a voice from behind me as I felt myself pulled backwards, out of the seat and onto the ground hard. "Now stay down. I have orders to not harm you permanently, but so long as you arrive in one piece, I doubt Lord Frux will complain."

I looked up while still grabbing at my throat to see a girl of about 16 years of age, standing over me with a malicious smirk on her face as her yellow eyes seemed to sparkle as I struggled.

"What? Felinx got your tongue?" The girl asked as the smirk turned into a grin.

A glance at my HP showed it falling slowly as the choke continued and I frantically looked around for some way out of this. I reached for my pistol, and got of a snap shot, but first she deflected it back past me then casually flicked her lightsaber, slicing the barrel clean off.

"Uh-uh. No trying to escape." She warned as her eyes narrowed and I felt the pressure on my throat increase. My HP was falling faster now, and I estimated I had no more than a few minutes before I died.

My eyes frantically searched the room and spotting what looked like a wrench on a table behind her, I reached out for it with the Force even as I opened my mouth. "In. Ven. Tory." A managed to say as the wrench slowly lifted of the surface it was on.

I reached out towards my inventory even as the girl began to laugh.

"Inventory? Seriously? That's your distraction?" She chuckled as she spun, dropping the choke on me and sliced the wrench that was now flying towards her in half.

"Such a pa…" Her words stopped as she turned back to find I had ignited both Jedi lightsabers that I'd grabbed from my inventory while she had turned away; stabbing her through the calf and chest as I managed to kneel.

I pulled them outwards, slicing her chest open and severing her lightsaber arm at the shoulder while leaving one leg hanging on by a thread.

I turned off the lightsabers before falling backwards onto my arse. There was no pain in my throat now, but after dropping one of the lightsabers back into the inventory, I took out a stim-pack, and after examining it for a moment, jammed it into my leg.

I smiled a fraction as I saw my HP climb rapidly; thankful that whatever was in the pack still worked on me with my strange powers.

A single cough had me snapping the remaining lightsaber on as I turned to face the Sith, though I stayed still, waiting to see if somehow the girl had survived. After nearly a minute of watching her, I realised she wasn't moving and extinguished the lightsaber and stood slowly.

The room was filling with the smell of cooked meat, and I cringed as I realised that was the after-effect of a lightsaber cutting flesh.

Activating Breath Control, I slowly dragged the body out of the cockpit and – after taking her lightsaber, a Sith Holocron with the passcode Passion grants Strength and a further 47 Credits – returned to the controls.

I frowned when I saw that the deflected blaster shot had hit one of the consoles, but nothing seemed wrong as the ship was now leaving orbit and I couldn't help but gasp at seeing the stars from space for the first time.

Another console beeped, drawing my attention, I frowned as I realised that it was the hyperdrive powering up. I hadn't inputted a target, so I had to assume that it was a pre-programed setup in case the Sith were killed.

I tried to gain access to the computer, but it required a password and I worried that if I entered the wrong password the ship might just explode or something, so I was resigned to travelling to wherever the Sith had come from on the hope the computer would unlock once I arrived.

Another console beeped, and I spotted a blinking orange switch. With my increased skills in computing, I knew this was the ship-to-ship intercom and flicked the switch.

"I say again. Unknown vessel, you are ordered to heave to and prepared to be boarded. Fail to comply and you will be fired upon."

"Um, this is Cameron Shan. I escaped an attack by the owners of the ship on my grandfather's home but its powering up the hyperdrive and I can't stop it. Please advise."

"Shan? As in… Right. Mister Shan, I'm Captain Hardin of the Talravin Defence Force. I'm going to try and…"

The Captain's voice was cut off as the ship accelerated to lightspeed.

"Damm." I muttered as the stars merged into a continuous field of white.

I glanced down at the hyperdrive computer, hoping it would display where I was now heading, even the destroyed console sparked and buzzed. Clearly, something was wrong, but without knowing what the console was for I just had to hope it was nothing important.

"Right, since I've no idea how long this is going to take, I'd better do an inventory of what's onboard." I said as I stood and walked back to the central area of the ship, and the remains of the female Sith.