
#Money System:

E-Class Elemental Coin = 1000 Silver Coins

D-Class Elemental Coin = 100 E-Class

C-Class Elemental Coin = 100 D-Class

B-Class Elemental Coin = 100 C-Class

A-Class Elemental Coin = 100 B-Class

S-Class Elemental Coin = 100 A-Class

SS-Class Elemental Coin = 100 S-Class

SSS-Class Elemental Coin = 100 SS-Class

Elemental Coins could also be used to amplify the user's attack to that of the elemental class of the coin used, but it's only a one-time use item and once used it will vaporize into nothingness.


#Elemental Cores & Elemental Potions Cool Down Period:

(Per potion or core)

E-Class = 1 Day

D-Class = 2 Day

C-Class = 4 Day

B-Class = 8 Day

A-Class = 16 Day

S-Class = 32 Day

SS-Class = 64 Day

SSS-Class = 128 Day

Note: Elemental Mages can not consume elemental potions / elemental cores that are lower class than them.


#Celestial Divine Body:

Duration: 3 Seconds (In the beginning)

4 Celestial Divine Points = Plus 1 Second (Doesn't matter what class points)


Martial arts, man-made weapons, talisman, and other man-made goods are also graded using the class system, but they are measured base on the power they show.

This means that humans graded it based on the strength that specific item show, normally this is done by an authority figure such as the an appraiser.