The Dangerous Walk

After waiting for 1 min Leo gets the familiar female voice in his head.

"Scan complete! would you like to see data?"

Leo thinking a moment asks

"Can I see this as a 3d topological map in front of me?"

The Command replying

"Please let me compile the data so you can see it this way this will take a moment"

After waiting about 2 seconds

"Would you like to view the data now?"

Leo responds.


Looking at the map he can see the scale of the scan just taken which covers 5000miles in a circle this impresses Leo as he smiles, after studying it for a moment he works out that everything he can see has been scanned the vast grassland towards the north with various peaks looking like meteors had hit the area as there where mass mounds and ditches on the map that's the thoughts that entered his mind when thinking about this.

Looking at the far end of the of the map to the north he can see various mountains like earth it looks like the alpine's.

Glancing at east and west side of the map he can see that the grass lands go of the edge with what looks like a small settlement to the northeastern side of the map.

Then letting his Gaze look at the south of the map from behind him to the edge of the scan area he can see this is covered by forest waving across the map following the edge of the river, the river its self splits across the map like veins on a leaf.

Taking all the information in he notices that he can even see the way the river flows and the wind its self realizing this is live data astonished by this discovery he asks.

"What is the upkeep on this map costing me?"

Command answering.

"The upkeep to live data is 5kj a hour."

Leo is generally surprised by the upkeep he then notices that there are not live data on wild creatures or weather data he then asks another question.

"Can I see live data on the wild creatures and weather?"

Command answering.

"To display active data on wild creatures and weather please note that this will cost sub total of 350kj a hour to maintain"

After thinking for a moment he answers

"Can you please show all data"

after saying this in his head he the map flashes again.

The map then displaying all the wild life in red, he notices that there are a lot of red dots near by these seem to be small creatures like typical rodents.

Leo then gestures to zoom out as he does this he notices a lot of large wild creatures about the size of houses spread out across the map, gesturing again to zoom out further he notices at the edge of the map near the mountains there are some huge wild life creatures these are the size of football pitches making a lot of the red dots look like ants.

Taking some time to take this all in he eats another apple like coconut, after about 5 mins he decide to take a closer look at the village.

After making a gesture to zoom in on the village it appears to made up of a wall going around the outside with a internal wall inside that one with a platform round the outside and multiple turrets around the top, there are 2 rows of structures internally lined up with about a 50ft gap between them with round structures in between those but only 3 on the entire distance at the end of these 2 rows there is a large structure with a slightly smaller structure to one side.

Further analyzing the data he can only speculate that the creatures here are the size of humans, after deciding this he ask.

"How far away are the structures?"

Command replying.

"Plotting safe route.....

taking precautions not to get you into danger the overall distance is 64km/40miles approx."

After hearing the distance and the precautions taken calculating In his head the average speed he can jog at he estimates that it will take him around 4 hours to get there.

He decides to do this after gathering 5 apples he asks.

"Can you plot a journey to the destination have asked about please."

Command responding.

"Commencing planned route please allow extra time for minor diversions"

Seeing what looks like a line of light stretching out into the distance in his field of view he assumes this must be a GPS line of sorts.

Leo gets down out of the tree looking at the light stretching from him after looking forward at the line for a moment he sets off.

After jogging over small grassy hills and through small forest patches he came to a clearing seemed empty of any creatures at all.

Seeing this he gets the urge to run he picks up the pace running as fast as he can, then all of a sudden a spider like creature the size of a human, comes out from a trap door in the floor to grab him noticing just before this happens he dodges to the left to narrowly miss being caught the fear of death comes over him.

After dodging left he notices the direction he just dodged in there is another trap door in front of him that is starting to open he makes a very rash decision feeling that he was faster than the creature that was trying to catch him he stomps on the floor picking up the pace as the trap door opens he sees the creature come out of the hole he jumps over it and Carries on running as fast as he can jumping over each and every spider like creature that comes out it's very well hidden hole.

After a sprint of about 1640ft/500m he realizes how much fitter he feels he doesn't feel tired running at full pace at all,

Command alerts him.

"All danger has passed."

Realizing he is past the danger of the open area he slows back down to a jog strictly following the path now instead of deviating he ask a question.

"Why is it that I feel fitter here in this world?"

Command answering.

"The reason for not being out of breath is the body that has been generated from particles from this planet is far more advanced than the one from earth."

Leo amazed by this answer asks.

"Please explain further."

Command responding.

"The make up of the internal organs has allowed me to take 100% of the oxygen in the air and process it perfectly with your body, also the normal lactic acid build up that would appear on the muscles is not happening due a perfect harmonic balance of all the organs in the body the lactic acid is not being formed."

Taking in what was just said to him he decide he could half the time he had left if he run at film pace which for him was quite reasonable at about 17mph.

He picks up the pace feeling great doing so following the weaving pattern in front of him spotting the village in the distance he slows down to hide behind some rocks that are nearby as he suspect that he will get spotted.

This settlement is made up of a stone wall 20m high castled around the top with turrets every 20m this settlement was actually far bigger than it seemed on the map, with a building very visible toward the end, which the design is very unique resembling a Chinese tower with the bottom tier Being the biggest area, as the floors go up with the size decreasing.

The difference with this building is that the roof layers that were blankets of leafs almost looking alive still with flowers blooming in odd places.

After watching for about hour and a half he notices that the gates are opening and as a caravan slowly makes it's way out of the settlement.

Watching this caravan come out a via to the left of the settlement towards the forest in the south he spots that the creatures guiding it are in fact people the strange creature pulling it wasn't a normal site as it was a dog like creature with three heads and a huge body and three tails thinking about it for a moment it looked exactly like a Cerberus it was twice the size of a horse this beast was tame and very friendly with the people guiding simply gesturing and taking to it.

The caravan is self was very normal slightly longer than normal having 4 sets of wheels and a basic chassis square with a enclosed space up front towards the beast, the beast was chained to the cart with a spiked harness literally like how you would imagine it described in demonic stories.

A very bizarre sight indeed as Leo had to take a moment to check what he just saw, after thinking for a moment he decides that he will walk towards the settlement knowing that this is risky but he has no other choice.

He slowly makes his way towards the settlement be cautious at the same time when he is within 50m of the settlement he here a voice from the castled wall above the gate.

"Reda Franist, isa lever fomine?"

Leo stopping and looking up doesn't know how to respond and stays quite.

The voice Repeating itself.

"Reda Franist, isa lever fomine?"

Command talking inside his head.

"language analysis complete please feel free to speak as you would it will automatically be translated so that the race your speaking to can understand also all speech regarding this language will be auto translated so that you can understand."

Leo grins and speaks aloud.

"Sorry I didn't hear you."

The voice speaks again.

"Sorry let me come down so you can hear me better through the hatch"

Leo waits as he hears a thud in the distance and then a small hatch in the distance opening he walks closer to see a ordinary human face staring at him.

"Hey Traveller, what business do you have?"

Leo replies with a pleasant tone to his voice.

"Hey so I'm lost and trying to seek some refuge as you can see I'm not dressed in the best clothes."

The guard replies.

"You can come in, but I will keeping my eye on you what's your name?"

Leo replies.

"My names Leo."

After saying this a small door opens in the gate, Leo is surprised by this as there are no signs of there being a door or hatch or the gates splitting into to at all.

Leo walks through the door.
